July 2015 Moms

What's your LO's favorite toy or activity!?

n3na94n3na94 member
edited February 2016 in July 2015 Moms
So mamas it's a new month and most of our little ones are starting to do and discovering new things. I thought about starting a thread to share what our little one's favorite thing to do is, activity or perhaps his or her favorite toy. Let's start sharing! :smiley: 

Re: What's your LO's favorite toy or activity!?

  • My baby boy really enjoys it when we dance. He seems to just stare at me and laugh lol his favorite toy is a water bottle lol he loves the sound it makes and also a guitar that makes different sounds. He is outgrowing his gym so now he sits and play with the toys, but I think I need to buy more toys lol 
  • My LO is all about one of our dogs...we have 2. One is a small dog which she really has no interest in him, but our big dog she looses it when she sees him! I actually call Jack (big dog) over constantly to entertain her. Especially when I shower, I lock him in so she can scream at him lol She also loves to sit in her high chair and play with toys while I clean, cook and what not. She loves water bottles too! Also chip bags, her bib and spoon after eating. Isn't it funny how we have all these toys but they enjoy household items? 

    For toys, she does love stackables, VTech Walker (pull off the play/music section bc she can't walk, only sit with it), sophie and books. 
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  • Riley loves story time and her jumper. 
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  • I'm glad other babies love water bottles as much as my LO! She also goes crazy for one, so funny! Her favorite activity is "standing" (we hold her up) and she loves it, it's actually hard to practice sitting unassisted cuz she just wants to move on to standing! And her favorite toy is her piano, it's a soft one that she can kick or I attach it to her excersaucer and she turns into animal from the muppets! DD also lovesssss our Frenchie but he wants nothing to do with her (that is until she starts dropping food in a few months).
  • KAR8706KAR8706 member
    edited February 2016
    Recently I made a couple sensory mats that LO loves and he got a fisher price BeatBo for christmas that is pretty awesome but his favorite toy still is the fisher price ferris wheel. 

    *edited  LO loves sitting in our lap or jumping 
  • LO loves crawling. He's been exploring all over the house. I'll put him in his room to play with his toys and all of a sudden he in the kitchen. I had to order baby gates. He also loves standing. He's been pulling himself up on the coffee table and couch and chairs and can make his way from one end to the other. I didn't think he'd be doing this stuff so early. He so fun to watch figure things out. 
  • AziaNickAziaNick member
    edited February 2016
    Same here haha water bottles! She loves everything water and books 
  • My LO favorite is walking around in his walker!!!!
  • Her Johnny Jump Up!! We put on music and she bounces to the beat and 'sings.'

    Our cats, patty cake, smashing & throwing & tasting everything.
  • Isabella loves the dogs, especially the smaller one that snuggles with her. She also likes her jumper, her walker and staring at herself in the mirror. She doesn't really have a favorite toy - she enjoys them all a little bit. Mostly, I think she just likes to be mobile!
  • I just got my DD this pack of balls all different sizes and textures from target and she is obsessed! She's out grown her activity mat but I put a big quilt on the ground and she crawls all over it attacking these balls. Ha. As previous people said dancing/music always get her laughing and she loves our dog. 
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