I am really struggling to stay positive today. My oldest sister just delivered her third child, a boy, and after work I will go see him. I love my sister and my new nephew, but looking at the pictures and friends and family gushing over the new baby makes me feel like I'm going to break down. It does not help that today I started spotting, so I am officially out again this month. I try really hard to just keep going and keep my head up, but today, and really much of last week, I have felt so depressed and alone. No one in my family has infertility issues, just me, so this journey has been very hard. I feel like no one understand, and talking to my mother and/or sisters about my issues makes me feel like a burden. Infertility sucks:(
Married the love of my life 9-1-13
TTC for 18 Months
Unexplained Infertility (suspected insulin resistance)
Re: Struggling to stay positive today (children mentioned)
Married to
I got preg a few months later and was waiting to tell people til second trimester. Lost it at 12 weeks. While I was still bleeding, sister conceived her child which she just had. She immediately told me when she got her BFP ...and I cried spilling the beans about my loss. Told her not to tell anyone else. Of course she immediate told my parents. So everyone was annoyed that I had not told them about the preg and was hiding feelings.
I am trying to share my feelings with my parents, but they cannot understand that I would feel anything but joy about being an aunt. To be perfectly honest, I couldn't care less about my sisters baby. I wouldn't ever have, even if I wasn't ttc, I don't like babies. (I see it as an unpleasant phase like pregnancy that you have to get through to have a child).
My coping mechanism has been to ignore babies but my family is baby crazy about the first grandson. Therefore, I am going to avoid talking to my family and not log into Facebook. They think my isolating myself means I am depressed but it's really about not becoming depressed. I am happy in my little world where I don't have to think about babies except when my ovulation calendar calls
Now that my niece is here I love her dearly and she has helped me on my saddest days to get me in a brighter mood. I feel that was a dark time for me but the more women I talk to, the more common I realize those feelings are. No one in my family had infertility issues either. You are not alone on this journey as you can see by this community. Wishing you the best of luck on this path!
TTC for 2 years
Unexplained IF
Normal S/A
History: Hypothyroidism, Pituitary Microadenoma, Normal HSG 2015
Thyroid in working order & normal prolactin levels as of 2016
Headed to an RE first time in March!