October 2016 Moms

Sunday GTKY: What do you and your SO do for a living?


Re: Sunday GTKY: What do you and your SO do for a living?

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    I'm a public defender (that's a type of criminal defense attorney) in our misdemeanor division (lots of volume, no prison time) and DH is a research chemical engineer phd (which he really regretted when we were job hunting but now I think he's glad that he has freedom).
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    I'm a speech pathologist and he's a police officer. 
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    I'm a tax analyst and MH is a harbor pilot 
    DS  12-1-2014
    DD 10-29-2016
    #3 due 10-13-2018
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    I own a dog walking company, but will be selling it and transitioning to a SAHM in June. DH is a civil engineer. 
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    I work in regulatory affairs for a medical device company and he does system validation for clinical trial software.

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    I was a SAHM but started working as a financial counselor for a hospital in December on a whim... Now that I'm preggers, I'll be going back to SAHM once they're here. Hubby is a track coach and personal trainer and we own a small fitness facility.
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    New to the group! So great to learn more about you all! I'm an elementary teacher and DH works for a major freight company. 
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    E=Mc3E=Mc3 member
    I'm an elementary teacher and my husband is a health aid. We both live and work in bush Alaska. 
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    nlane0723nlane0723 member
    edited March 2016
    I'm a litigation paralegal and discovery/trial/appellate clerk.  DH was head of overnight security at a major strip hotel, but we are testing out SAHD right now. Work in progress.

    Me: 28  DH: 27
    TTC since 2011
    IVF #1 June 2013 DD born: 2/25/14
    IVF #2 January 2016 Double Transfer: 1/28/2016
    First Beta: 108 Second Beta: 360.3
    Twins EDD: 10/13/2016
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    I own (and wax at) two waxing salons 
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    I am a clinical lab scientist although I'm currently working in a histology lab as a histotechnologist and DH was until recently active duty army, and is now full time student while also completing ROTC so he can go back to active duty as an officer! I had planned to apply to med school this year but life apparently had other plans  <3
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    I am a part-time psych nurse and SAHM, DH is a Blackhawk helicopter mechanic and crew chief for the Army national guard. He is working as a recruiter until October when his contract is up, then he will go back to working on helicopters. His dream is to be a SAHD and mine is to find a more rewarding nursing career. 
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    I  have been a SAHM since march 2012. I would love to eventually finish up my degree and enter an OT program. I'm a workaholic and tried to do DS to feel more fulfilled while being  SAHM but had trouble balancing. DH is a letter carrier and working on a startup.

    O16 April Siggy
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    DH and I are both HS Teachers--I'm English and he's History. We met in the building and kept it a secret until we got engaged. Everyone was shocked. Now I'm on an extended maternity leave to be with my daughter and I'm taking graduate courses to become a Guidancr Counselor. 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    DH and I are both active duty military, we're a mixed household Navy and Air Force.  Specifically, I'm a nurse and he's a dentist.  
    Me: 35 DH: 39
    Married: 10/11/15
    Baby girl Addie born 10/12/16 <3:)<3

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    DH and I have an Etsy shop making modern baby bedding and apparel. We have been doing that for 4 years now and it our main source of income. He also works full time as an ERP Analyst for the state.
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerBabyFruit TickerImage and video hosting by TinyPic
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    I'm a Marine Scientist and he's a University Professor in Geology.

    BFP #1: 10/2011, Pre-eclampsia in last 6 weeks, emergency C-section, DD born 6/25/11

    BFP #2: 8/16/14, Ectopic Pregnancy & Methotrexate Inj. 9/5/14, Adverse MTX reaction, HCG levels down after 2 weeks

    BFP #3: 2/23/2016, EDD 10/28/2016


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    Loving the variety of backgrounds in this group - makes for much more interesting discussions on other threads :)

    I'm a developmental psychologist and forever student, DH sells flavors (all the stuff on the back of a bottle of pop you can't pronounce) in Africa.
    DS#1 born 05 October 2016
    DS#2  due 25 April 2019
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    JDMRSJDMRS member
    seadana said:
    I'm a Marine Scientist and he's a University Professor in Geology.
    @seadana you have my dream job! I wish I had gone into science rather than the law. I love Cephalopods! 
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    I work in fundraising and my husband is a police officer. 
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    Dh is a call center supervisor and I am a recruiter for a home health care company
    1 chemical and 1 loss at 9 weeks prior to DS
    IVF #1 1/10-transfered 2 blasts- DS born 10/2010

    Trying for # 2 since 2012.  2 failed FETS 1 failed IUI.
    IUI#2 4/14/14-- BFP !!!!! Beta #1 14dpiui= 45 Beta #2 16dpiui= 80  Beta #3 18dpiui= 88 (chemical pregnancy)
    March 2015- Chemical pg

    1/25/16- BFP  Beta1 12dpo = 17, Beta 2 14 dpo = 28.. resulted in one beautiful boy born 9/21/16 :)

    Now I'm a stay at home loving life and pursuing my love of photography!!!
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    I am a psychologist and professor, my husband is owner/operator of a craft brewery.
    Our "Love Child" is due Valentine's Day 2013!
    P1040109BabyFetus Ticker
    Our Fur Babies: Karma and Abbey
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    I work for the great state of TX currently & my husband owns a flooring store. I, however, am considering leaving the state to open my own business & am a bit terrified! It's a huge decision & not sure if it's the right one...anyone else ever faced anything of this sort?
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    I am the program manager of a private adoption program and in grad school for social work and my husband is a beer Brewer!
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    edited March 2016
    I am a social worker, working at a residential program for a statewide nonprofit, teaching independent living skills to blind teenagers. FI is a high school special ed English teacher, writer, and musician.
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    Hello! New face to O'16 here. I'm a wahm, and I work for a major crafting company. I get paid to do arts and crafts, and go on Pinterest. I also run an Etsy shop. DH work in public utilities.

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    I will be a SAHM as of tomorrow but I've been a dispatcher for a Fire and Life Safety company for six years. I will be writing and hope to start up a blog which is my real passion. FI is an Army Vet currently working for a Govt Contractor doing private security. 
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    I'm a Project Manager for a Software Company in Downtown San Diego.... SO is a Sales Director for ANOTHER Software Company also in Downtown SD. :)  
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    mamakleemamaklee member
    edited March 2016
    I'm a therapist, do some consulting for rehab facilities and coordinate a residential facility. My husband is a project manager for a nonprofit consulting agency. 

    Me: 29 DH: 30

    Aug 2012: Hyperprolactinemia & two prolactinomas discovered, started bromocriptine 2.5mg/day
    Nov 2012: BFP!! EDD Aug 2013
    Jul 2013: DS born at 35w5d in an emergency CS after maternal fetal hemorrhage and complete previa
    TTA BUT SURPRISE BFP 1/29/15 without medication m/c @ 6w5d
    TTC #2 starting Jul 2015: Back on bromocriptine 2.5mg/day
    Dec 2015: Endocrinologist refers to RE, DH's SA was perfect, my hysteroscopy was perfect
    Jan 2016: Femara cycle #1 - two follies on L, trigger CD 15, BFP, EDD 10/28/16
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    I work for ESPN and my H builds Black Hawk Copters for the Gov't. 
    Pregnancy Ticker

    Married 11-11-11
    TTC only since Dec 2015. I had some weight to get off. Been working hard in the gym for over a year.
    BFP 02-15-16 with our first
    IT'S A BOY!!! 

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    I am an ICU nurse supervisor and DH is a SAHD. 
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    I'm a tax accountant and DH is an electrical engineer.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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