Just for suggestions on which pre-natal vitamin to start taking. Anyone have one they recommend?
Married to DH since 8/15
TTC since 5/15
PCOS, 35+, diagnosed with pre-diabetes
TI for 4 cycles: 1 round of femara; 2 rounds femara/ injectables: all ended in BFN.
3 IUI Cycles: letrozole/Follistim with HCG Trigger,all resulted in BFN.
FET #1: Baseline appt 4/28/16, Gonal-F/Menopur stims, Centrotide 5/4/16, ER 5/11/16; 6/8/16 ET, BFN
FET #2: Baseline appt 6/22/16, Estrace/PIO shots: 7/12/16 ET, 1st beta 7/21/16: 83 BFP, 2nd beta 7/23/16: 315. 1st U/S: 8/4/16 empty sac. 2nd U/S: 8/10/16 yolk sac appeared, everything stopped growing. Office D&C: 8/11/16, MC.
FET #3: Baseline appt 12/28/16, Estrace/PIO shots: 1/17/17 ET, 1st beta 1/27/17: 146 BFP, 2nd beta 1/29/17: 336, 1st U/S: 2/16/17, 2 healthy twin babies measuring 7w0d. EDD: 10/5/17

Re: Preferred pre-natal vitamin?
Me:34 DH:33
TTC since 2013
Unexplained infertility
TI for 4 cycles: 1 round of femara; 2 rounds femara/ injectables: all ended in BFN.
3 IUI Cycles: letrozole/Follistim with HCG Trigger,all resulted in BFN.
FET #1: Baseline appt 4/28/16, Gonal-F/Menopur stims, Centrotide 5/4/16, ER 5/11/16; 6/8/16 ET, BFN
FET #2: Baseline appt 6/22/16, Estrace/PIO shots: 7/12/16 ET, 1st beta 7/21/16: 83 BFP, 2nd beta 7/23/16: 315. 1st U/S: 8/4/16 empty sac. 2nd U/S: 8/10/16 yolk sac appeared, everything stopped growing. Office D&C: 8/11/16, MC.
FET #3: Baseline appt 12/28/16, Estrace/PIO shots: 1/17/17 ET, 1st beta 1/27/17: 146 BFP, 2nd beta 1/29/17: 336, 1st U/S: 2/16/17, 2 healthy twin babies measuring 7w0d. EDD: 10/5/17
***TW****MC mentioned & BFP mentioned***
TTC#1 since July 2014
AMH 0.1, DOR, Poor responder
Moved to Prague, Czech Republic for IVF
DE attempt in Czech Republic!!
March trip to Prague canceled due to Pancreatitis.
Headed to Prague April 30
3 different donors resulted in 1 PGS tested embryo and 1 fresh embryo
BFP on 5/15/16 at 5dp5dt
My blog: www.wearethehammitts.blogspot.com
ME: 31 | DH: 31
Married: April 2015
TTC (BBT & FF) #1: April 2015 (Off BC: January 2015)
Fur Baby: 1 English Mastiff (Rupert)
...other than that I take vitamin D (which I think EVERYONE should because most people are deficient)
May 2016: 100mg Clomid for 5 days, Estrace for 5 days, Mucinex for DH and I during ovulation week, 100mg progesterone & a baby aspirin until I get BFN (so of course I'm hoping to have to continue taking them). DH is now also taking a multi-vitamin with Zinc.
Course of action is still medication and TI