Lately I have been having insane pregnancy dreams, mostly about my little one, but recently they have been about a guy I dated in college--not my husband! And we weren't even serious, is so weird! Should I be concerned or is this normal? The only dreams I have about my husband he's usually cheating on me or not showing up at the hospital when I'm in labor.
Re: Pregnancy Dreams
I mostly have dreams of H cheating on me with elderly women or of me in just weird situations in general (being held hostage for my ovaries) and I hardly ever dreamt before I got pregnant. There's a whole thread somewhere on here about crazy dreams people are having. Totally normal.
I literally woke up and shit my pants!
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
I need to stop drinking juice before bed.... And that's legit grape juice, of the non-alcoholic variety
Last night I dreamt that we steam cleaned our carpet and then decided that our dog needed to be cleaned too. So we steam cleaned her, but shortly after she started whimpering because we had burned her so badly! I snuggled her in the middle of the night and she had no freaking clue why I wouldn't leave her alone. Poor dog!
I also dreamt the other night that the sun was rising and the moon was setting at the same time, next to each other, and then I noticed another planet huge on the horizon next to them. DH and I freaked out, so we drove to the Chicago planetarium to find out more info and it turned out it was earth, but it was black because we had killed it. The planet we were currentlty on was an earth replacement called infinito. WTF and why and how does my brain come up with this shiz. Pregnancy, you are crazy.
I dreamt that DH was driving with me in the car and lit up a cigarette. I looked at him and told him to stop and he told me to roll down the windows and not breathe it in; I'd be fine. Neither of us smoke, BTW. Our ever have for that matter.
Hormones are silly.