July 2015 Moms

Los favorite food?

Hey mommas! For those of you that have started puréed baby food, what seems to be lo's favorite and least favorite so far? I'll start, my daughter favorite vegetable so far is sweet potatos and her least favorite is green beans- she gags so bad and really doesn't like them and I really can't blame her.

Re: Los favorite food?

  • I think carrots and sweet potatoes have been my son's favorite food, although I know this will change as soon as he tries fruits lol and he does not like green beans. Makes faves every time I gave him to try and yesterday he refused it. So I'm going back to carrots today! 
  • I couldn't believe it, but my daughter loves zucchini!  Sweet potatoes and avocado are her other favs.
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  • squash, sweet potatoes and apples
  • Loves squash and pears HATES avocado:( hoping down the road I'll mix some fruit with avocado and she'll like it better. Peas really aren't her jam either.
  • She loves sweet potato and squash, likes peas and carrots well enough. I think green beans are her least favorite. She will eat them but often has to be coaxed to finish.
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  • She has liked everything we've given her, but shes been very enthusiastic about green beans and apples. Less enthusiastic about peas and peaches, but she still gobbles them

    She really liked chicken, but that's the only meat so far.
  • So far the only thing he's refused (like mouth clamped shut refused) was Earth's Best Spinach & Potatoes 
  • My brute loves everything. His fav is a pea, carrot, spinach and kale mixture. He's like his mama, will eat anything
  • My LO loves pears! Also sweet potato. Which is nice bc they're easy to make ☺️ Doesn't like avocado
  • My LO loves squasg, sweet potatoes, and carrots. The only food he hates thus far are peas, he absolutely hates them. He starts crying as soon as he tastes them.
  • msalada91 said:
    My LO loves squasg, sweet potatoes, and carrots. The only food he hates thus far are peas, he absolutely hates them. He starts crying as soon as he tastes them.
    My guy is the same way! He hates peas!
  • My guy likes everything! But his favorite is probably sweet potato, avocado and little pieces of toast. He's figured out how to pick up the toast but only 50% of the time it gets in his mouth! 
  • My baby girl isn't too fond of sweet things but will eat them if mixed with others, but her favourites are avocado, carrots, blueberries and oatmeal, zucchini. And she has had peas prunes, Apple, pears, sweet potato, potato, and today we had mangos! 
  • My boo bear loves oatmeal, peas, green beans, squash, sweet potatoes, apple sauce, and pears.  He's not a fan of bananas or peaches and carrots made him break out in a rash.  The doctor told me to wait a month and try again on the carrots and we are getting ready to reintroduce bananas.  Funny that he's all about the veggies and iffy on the fruits.  Total opposite of my nephew.
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