
Blood clot disorder and IVF..

I have factor V and was told i need to be on lovenox for treatment as well as entire pregnancy..  i am wondering what others experiences are.. He is putting me on it a day before my laparoscopy as well . which surprised me since i would think that could risk me bleeding too much... 

Re: Blood clot disorder and IVF..

  • I have a clotting issue as well, mine is autoimmune related and I have the MTHFR gene mutation.  I take baby aspirin every day and will also add lovenox.  However, lovenox will not be added until the evening post transfer.  I did one natural cycle with the lovenox starting at surge and ending just before AF.   The shot burns when you inject and bruising around the site is very common--particularly in the beginning. However, ice is your friend and very helpful in cutting down on both of those problems. Make sure to ice before and after and you'll be much happier.  Good luck. 
  • I haven;t tried the ice.. I usually just use an alcohol wipe before.. do you do that also or just the ice>
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  • Watching a couple videos of people giving themselves Lovenox injections helped me greatly, as it'd been years since I did it prior to a surgery (I have MTHFR, and have had DVT/PE).  Wish I could do the baby aspirin, but stomach won't allow.  So, every surgery where I'm not immediately mobile, any condition that increases risk, Lovenox it is.  Started the night after my trigger, will keep going until AF proves it unnecessary.  Good times.  Forgot about the ice, will do that tonight.  It's not really that bad, more painful than the stims/trigger, but less nerve wracking, somehow, which helps.
    IUD removed 2/13/14
    BFP #1 5/23/14, blighted ovum discovered at 7 wks, Cytotec for missed miscarriage at 8 wks 6/26/14
    BFP #2 4/30/15, heartbeat gone at 8 wks, missed miscarriage again, Cytotec didn't work, D&C 6/12/15
    Biopsy discovered was a partial molar pregnancy, on BC for 6 month wait and test
    Trying again with Follistim/HCG trigger shots beginning January 2016
  • Yes!  Sorry, I ice, then alcohol wipe and shoot. Then ice and pressure for a few moments again.  It's a big help. It truly is not that bad.  
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