Woohoo !!!!
What week are you? 13
What fruit/object? Peach!
Anything baby related this week? I just ordered my very first ever cloth diaper I doubt my husband will let me use it, but I figured I'd give it a shot. lol
Rant/rave/questions: So freaking excited to be in the last week of the first trimester!!!! But, once I get half way through the second trimester, I'm going to want to freeze time.
GTKY: What are three random facts about you? I've broken my nose 3 times, so I bought a new one. I sang Baby Got Back at my wedding. I wish I liked school so I could get a degree.
<a href="http://www.thebump.com/?utm_source=ticker&utm_medium=HTML&utm_campaign=tickers" title="Parenting Advice"><img src="http://global.thebump.com/tickers/tt1cda00" alt=" BabyFetus Ticker" border="0" /></a>
Re: Thursday Ticker Change :)
Fruit: Lemon
Baby related: finalized drawings for the remodel to our house to add a room now that we know we are having the opposite gender of the kid we already have so they won't be able to share for more than a few years.
Rant/Rave: wasn't I supposed to be feeling less nauseous by now??
Three random facts: I eat lemons and limes whole, peel included. I've run 2 half marathons since my first was born. I've seen the same band in concert 25 times.
What week are you? 14
What fruit/object? Lemon
Anything baby related this week? My husband is convinced that the nursery must be done, like 5 days ago, so we're working on the nursery. Last night, we bought a glider chair from a friend, and it looks like new!
Rant/rave/questions: I'm thankful that the nausea is letting up a bit (though far from gone!), but I think I'm more tired during the day these days than I've been in the past few weeks. It's not even lunch, and I'd love to curl up under my desk for a nap.
GTKY: What are three random facts about you? I've broken my left wrist 3 separate times, twice while on roller skates and once while falling up the stairs in a high school gym. I met my husband over a chess board in a dorm lobby (ftr, he didn't go easy on me, regardless of how he was flirting with me... I got my butt handed to me that game). I prefer little mom-and-pop type coffee houses over Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts any day!
ETA: I had to fix some typos... words are hard today apparently.
So there's this boy. He kinda stole my heart. He calls me "Mom"
Voted "Mom of the Year" 2012 Sweetpea Mom Awards
What fruit/object? Sugar glider/yam
Anything baby related this week? I might go buy some PUL so start marking diaper covers.
Also just general organizing/ making room for baby.
Rant/rave/questions: We have our anatomy scan and get our panoram test results next week. Trying to stay calm but I can feel the anxiety creeping up on me.
GTKY: What are three random facts about you?
I can burp better than a logger. I obsessed with video games and I'm working on my business admin degree while working full time
What fruit/object? Lemon
Anything baby this week? I'm hoping to get a peek at the baby tomorrow during my surgical consult with the OB. And I finally started shopping around to build my CD stash. GN diapers are harder to do...
Rant/rave/questions: I can't think of anything right now...
GTKY: What are three random facts about you? I'm a classically trained ballerina. But I gave up dance when I had kids.
I really do have ducks.
I'm planning to raise rabbits for meat starting this spring.
ETA: Sorry if you're offended by my fluffy animal murder but it's how I feed the family. Ha
@MotherOfDucks we raise rabbits for meat. I absolutely have my favorites that will never be eaten.
Food: Large McD's Fries. I know what my afternoon snack will be.
Rants/Raves: NBR going to see my mom, sister and niece after work and staying with them till Saturday. Going to help sister move back in to help the parents out.
GTKY: I am 1 of 7. I went to Disney 76 times last year. DH and I are moving into our new home in March.
What fruit/object? avocado
Anything baby this week? My OB is on another floor of my office building. She said that anytime I'm feeling anxious, I can run downstairs and someone would do the doppler for me so I can hear the heartbeat. I haven't taken advantage of it yet but I think today might be the day. I don't have any reason to believe anything's wrong; I just think it would do this mama's heart some good to hear her baby's.
Rant/rave/questions: You guys, my feet fall asleep every time I have to spend more than a few minutes on the toilet. Pins and needles, spasms, OUCH asleep. I imagine this will only get worse. HOORAY.
GTKY: I used to be lead singer of a band. I have mild cerebral palsy on my left side (no one notices until I point out that my right calf is twice the size of my left!). I gave up drawing and painting for years (after getting burnt out in art school) but I've started again in the past few months. Feels so good.
What fruit/object? Avocado / action figure!
Anything baby related this week? Just waiting for those first kicks! Should be starting in the next few weeks!!
Rant/rave/questions: hmm I don't think so.. pretty calm over here thankfully.
GTKY: What are three random facts about you?
Oh goodness. Um. 1) I've been with my husband since high school. 2) I'm completely in love with iced coffee.
3) I've been best friends with my best friend since we were in Kindergarten - her family IS my family. It's great.
What fruit/object? Onion/chipmunk
Anything baby this week? Nope....just waiting for my next appointment in a week and a half and my anatomy scan in 3 weeks :-)
Rant/rave/questions: Ummmm, half of my belly button has decided to pop out.....wtf???? Anyone else having belly button issues????
GTKY: What are three random facts about you? 1. There's 16 years difference between me and my youngest brother. 2. I was once pulled into an act in the circus (plate throwing/catching with clowns) 3. I have lived in 4 different states.
Week: 18
Food: Sweet Potato
Baby: Pretty sure I felt the little one start moving yesterday! But since I'm a FTM I keep questioning myself. Doesn't stop me from smiling goofily every time I (think?) I feel he/she move though.
Rant/Worry: We are starting a pretty large remodel project next week that will be finished 4 weeks before my due date... I'm getting a little nervous about how much time I spend picking out materials when all I want to do is do baby things!! I keep telling myself I have plenty of time.
GTKY: 1. I ferment kraut/pickles for my job, so I have the whole probiotic part of my diet down! 2. My husband and I just recently bought the house I grew up in (my whole life) because my parents moved and we love it. Never thought that'd happen. 3. I have a compulsive need to always have the toilet paper roll a certain way, I change it everywhere I go if it happens to be "wrong" and I am able to
What fruit/object? Onion/turnip/roll of toilet paper?
Anything baby related this week? Planning on a trip to BRU to start our official registry.
Rant/rave/questions: I have a lot of very good days, but still sometimes I'm lucky to sleep for 3 hours all night. This isn't awesome.
GTKY: What are three random facts about you? 1: I always wanted to be a surgeon but also wanted to have kids before 30. I decided that the likelihood of managing both due to time, and that I wouldn't have any financial help during college or medical school made it was very low. I chose mom first. 2: I love being terribly lazy and terribly active. 3: Sometimes my dog is the best comfort I have. It's great to have someone that's always happy to see you, no matter what.
DH: 32
Married 7/18/15
1st born at 35+4 on 6/6/16
Team green turned BLUE!
2nd born at 38+6 on 8/30/18
Team green turned PINK!
Due with #3 on 6/6/20 Team Green
What fruit/object? Lemon
Anything baby this week? Told all my co-workers I'm knocked up! After which I found out they had already noticed my bump...
Rant/rave/questions: I don't think I look pregnant, I look like I ate too many cookies! But other than that, I'm still soooooo excited to grow another human
GTKY: What are three random facts about you? 1. I've played guitar since i was 13. 2. I used to be a dog person until I got my 2 cats. 3. I could live off of florida mangos and sugar cane juice. Too bad I live in the North East!
Fruit: Lemon
Anything baby this week? I had my first scan last week and everything looked really good!
Rants/Raves: Hormones are a pain, either I'm super angry or really sad! My poor boyfriend can't look at me without me snapping.
GTKY: I feel like I'm the only Irish person on the board! :P I bought a Doppler to find baby's heartbeat and was so excited only to realize it was my own. I love everything mango flavored!
DS#1 July 2016
Baby #2 July 2018
What week are you? 15
What fruit/object? Eclair
Anything baby related this week? For sure felt baby this week, I don't remember when I felt DD the first time so I'm super excited!
Rant/rave/questions: My hips and lower back are so stiff that getting up and sitting down are challenging. I also started using my wrist braces to help with the numbness.
GTKY: What are three random facts about you? I've only ever been with DH, I technically attended 4 colleges before graduating college, I can burp the ABCs.