September 2015 Moms

Hyperemisis mamas

I am active duty air force so dealing with my HG was a little different than in the civilian world. I was just placed on convalescent leave which to sum it up means I kept my job and still got paid until I was able to return to work. Very lucky and easy. But I will be getting out of the military soon and plan on finding a job. How was your experience with work and HG? Was your work place understanding? Did they fire you for not being able to work? Did they hold your position until able to return? Did you lose benefits? After you had the baby were you still entitled to maternity leave after missing months of work? Just trying to get a feel of other experiences before I am in this situation with future #2 baby.

Re: Hyperemisis mamas

  • I had severe HG this time, worse than with DD1. I tried my hardest to keep up at work. Threw up while driving on the highway, offered to do other people's desk work til I could walk away from the garbage can, etc. mostly my coworkers covered for me. I was on up to 5 meds at a time, and I was able to function, albeit minimally. I was admitted for a few days, and used my sick days for that. Probably a total of 6 days off because of HG. There were lots more days of being useless, but my coworkers covered me if I could physically get there.

    I had a month sick leave while pregnant, then ran out and had to start mat leave at 8m pregnant. That's where my situation changes-I'm in Canada, so I still get 11m off. And I could've taken EI (employment insurance) sick leave to get my full year, but it would've meant less top-up pay from my employer (EI is less than half our take-home, so they top us up to full pay for 4 months).

    Also, I'm unionized (RN) so they would not be able to fire me for illness. They would, at the least, hold my position.
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  • edited January 2016
    Thank you so much. I will be part of the union as well when I start my new job, so I'm sure they will be able to help my situation. Kudos to you for working as much as you did. For a few weeks I still had to come in to work before the Dr's gave me convalescent leave. I literally slept/cried on the breakroom couch all day.
    I'm just so worried about my career. I am willing to risk it to start my family, but I would hope there are laws out there that protect me.
    *Edited to tag you!
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  • I was lucky to have a very understanding boss who was quite flexible with letting me work from home or leave early if I needed to.  While I did have "all day" sickness, I was much worse at night so I changed my schedule to come in early and leave early before I was completely useless.  Also, since I found out in early Jan that I was pregnant and began getting sick shortly thereafter, I hadn't used any vacation or sick time yet for the year and just used it up for the days I was too sick or getting IVs and couldn't come in.  It was very tough working through it all and there were days I really thought about quitting.  Some days my husband had to drive me to and from work because I was too sick to do it myself and the medications made me drowsy.  The key for me was not pushing myself too hard since that only made things worse, and having very open and honest communication with my boss throughout it all.  She knew I'd worked my ass off for the last 3 years so thankfully she was willing to work with me through those 9 months of hell! 
  • I only had HG with my first, not with the other 5. I did have m/s for the entire pregnancy with other pregnancies, but not HG like with my first. I was sick all day long with her. Uggh. I used all of my sick time with her and when she was born only took off 6 weeks because it was unpaid. My boss was super understanding and it was ok. Thankfully.
  • Wow that's exciting to hear you only had it once out of 5 times @momofsweetps I read somewhere that 90% of the time HG presents every time after the first and increases in severity so I am terrified to get pregnant again. Gives me hope!
  • I had it the worst with my first and was in grad school and had to drop out because it was so extreme (I ended up with a zofran pump and picc line for 24/7 iv fluids). With #2 we knew what to expect and my midwives got me a zofran pump right away and since I was able to use that I think it helped keep it from getting so severe. I'm a sahm mom so I've never had to deal with work but I've had it with 3 out of my 4 pregnancies (and pretty bad ms with #4 but not quite hg bad). I've been able to parent through it and getting help early really makes a difference. Don't wait to take meds or get assistance until your losing lots of weight and dehydrated. 
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  • Oh and I had 4 kids in 5 years so I was hands on parenting toddlers with all the vomiting. If you didn't have a zofran pump ask about it, it made a huge difference for me and worked far better than any oral meds. I also used phenergan suppositories because I couldn't keep oral meds down. Oh and keep gallon zip locks everywhere. I can't even tell you how many times I was puking in baggies as I drove to drs appointments and activities for the kids lol 
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  • I worked full time + as a lawyer. I had about 80 clients when I started getting sick. I was throwing up in court, in my office and at the jail. When it was so bad I needed IVs my doctor pulled me out of work for months and put me on bed rest. I used all my fmla and disability. I tried going back at 5 months pregnant but couldn't keep up. The job offered me a leave of absence but since I was going to be a SAHM I ended up quitting early. Tough decision. I had been there 9 years so they were really good to me. Still can go back if I want. 
  • I was surprised it wasn't as bad as it was with her as my doctors told me it would be. It was pretty bad with #3 and I was sick the entire pregnancies with 4/6 but not needing ivs 3-4 times a week because of dehydration. With my first it was constant. Uggh. I was going to get a zofran pump with my #3 & #4, but insurance didn't approve it. I really wished I could have had it with my first. I really think that would have helped tremendously.
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