Seriously?! First off, if you're trying to post an ultrasound picture it didn't load. Second, there is a thread for pictures at the very top of your screen where you can add this stuff instead of taking up space everytime you want to show off your baby.
Haha really? An "established member"? I check this app about once a week when I'm bored and for some reason it's the same user names critizing women. Breath... It's not a big deal we are pregnant. Try to be happy!
Haha really? An "established member"? I check this app about once a week when I'm bored and for some reason it's the same user names critizing women. Breath... It's not a big deal we are pregnant. Try to be happy!
You mad? Your 8 replies does not make you an established member..checking the app makes you a lurker. Continue to lurk so you know how this board works.
I don't get it. There is a reason that TB makes you wait a couple of days before posting after you create an account. Those couple of days, are so you can lurk on the boards, see what they are about, and get to know some of the stuff that is going on before you actually get to comment. As someone that use to have an account on here, those few days were killer since I already knew what the boards were about and what was acceptable and what would annoy the hell out of people. We are not mean girls for pointing out the OP didn't bother to take those few days, to get to know the board, like she is suppose to. Lurk on the boards, comment on other people's posts, form some internet "relationships" with the ladies....and then start posting. Simple as that.
Don't come in here, without taking the time to lurk, and post your ultrasound that looks just like everyone else's as a "special" post. Nobody knows you. And certainly don't come in here, when you have been around for awhile and really brought nothing to the group, and stick up for someone, when nobody even knows who you are in the first place. That just makes the white knight look like a butt kisser.
Just can't f-ing take it.........
......hormones are getting the best of me today.....
Haha really? An "established member"? I check this app about once a week when I'm bored and for some reason it's the same user names critizing women. Breath... It's not a big deal we are pregnant. Try to be happy!
Congrats on your pregnancy and little one. I promise we are a supportive group but a little snarky we like organization unlike sites like baby center and what to expect. This makes sure that we can all easily find threads and people's posts don't get missed. Look around a bit and then join in. There is an intro thread at the top where you can introduce your self and I also suggesting reading the search thread post also at the top these will be helpful as you get acquainted. We aren't mean girls just people who get tired of people seeing the same posts over and over
@heade no worries they were just teasing me because unnessary posts/ not reading any of the stickied suggestions at the top of the page are some of my biggest pet peeves and I have no problem directing them where to go
Re: 17 weeks and 3 days now!!
July BMB May Signature Challenge
July BMB May Signature Challenge
And mean girls? Girl, go take a look around the other boards before you start calling names for someone being informative.
July BMB May Signature Challenge
July BMB May Signature Challenge
Don't come in here, without taking the time to lurk, and post your ultrasound that looks just like everyone else's as a "special" post. Nobody knows you. And certainly don't come in here, when you have been around for awhile and really brought nothing to the group, and stick up for someone, when nobody even knows who you are in the first place. That just makes the white knight look like a butt kisser.
Just can't f-ing take it.........
......hormones are getting the best of me today.....
July BMB May Signature Challenge
Married: May 16th 2015
Any of them would make me die a happy women.
And @Lindsayleigh1989 is super nice she helped me with my gif fails! And I was a super annoying non existent lurker then... Maybe still now.
Also stop lurking and post
July BMB May Signature Challenge
Married: May 16th 2015