July 2015 Moms

Force Feeding

Woah. 6 month appointment was today and I told our pediatrician that we are having trouble getting LO to eat solid foods. He cries and gags, we stop. Sometimes he's OK and will eat a little. Doc said to keep doing it twice a day and don't stop. That he's just throwing tantrums and we need to show him that we won't give in, even if he screams and gags. "Picky eaters aren't born picky eaters, they learn to be that way." Am I living in crazy town? I love our pediatrician but this sounds like the worst thing we could do to LO. I just don't know how to process all this.

Re: Force Feeding

  • I feel like not every baby is the same and some take longer to do some things and others less time. I don't think we should force feed our children. Maybe he's not ready but perhaps in a week or two he will be. Follow your mama instincts and don't feel like you have to force him to eat. I'm just beginning to give my son purees and I'm doing it slowly and so far he is okay with it but if he doesn't want any then I'll try again tomorrow. Good luck mama and keep us updated!
  • Our son is also not interested in eating much, we have tried since he was about 5 months, hes now 6 months and still not eating solids. We told our pediatrician that at his 6 month appointment and he said it was okay just to keep trying every week and eventually he will be ready. Not quite sure why your pediatrician would say that I personally wouldn’t force it but like pp said follow your momma instincts. Good luck!
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  • jessieR358jessieR358 member
    edited January 2016
    I wouldn't force feeding at all. We are doing soft finger foods. Maybe your LO would like that more? Bananas, avocados, butternut squash...all foods he can eat without doing purées. I would put LO in the high chair a couple times a day when you are eating with some food on his tray. Let him touch it and play with it. If he eats it great, if not ok. He will eventually eat it. He's too little to be a "picky eater".

    ETA: the statement about "showing him" really rubs me the wrong way. He's 6 months old.
  • No. Have you ever known a healthy and developmentally sound child that doesn't eat? It will happen. Forcing him will only put him off more. We've been trying to get LO to take something every day since 6 months but once he refuses or spits it out, he's done. He gets everything he needs from breast milk. Food is just for fun at this point and if they don't think it's fun, they're not ready.


    Me: 33, DH: 35
    Married 10/13, TTC since 7/13
    Dx: MFI
    IUI #1 7/14: BFN
    IUI #2 8/14: BFN
    IVF #1 11/14: 20R17M15F
    Transferred 1 three day embryo! 7 frosties!
    BFP!  EDD 7/27/15


  • I also wouldn't force feed. We do soft finger foods as well because she has zero interest in puréed foods. Perhaps give that a try. That seems like terrible medical advice
  • Thanks for all the encouragement! Maybe I'm just being sensitive, but it really rubbed me the wrong way that he said that. I'm still offering foods and trying new things but I'm not going to shove it down his throat. He's 6 months old, theres no way he's trying to manipulate me by gagging!
  • I totally disagree with your pediatrician about picky eaters! Some kids legitimately have texture issues and are picky. I was a picky eater and the thought of trying new foods was terrifying to me (as a child) but eventually I came around and eat most things.
  • And also like the previous post said food at the main food he should get is breastmilk or formula! Don't rush him mama, he will take it when he himself is ready.
  • I wouldn't force feed. When you force feed they have a better chance of aspirating. We see a Gastro specialist and a occupational therapist for eating. They recommend sitting baby up, feeding smaller and more frequent meals, different positions, different thickening depending on the acid reflux and suck and swallowing, different nipples and flows, also no distractions when feeding. They also recommend that when baby cries or gets fussy, arching, turning of the head or playing with the nipple, stop and reintroduce.
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