July 2016 Moms

Newborn photography

When did you (or will you be..) sign up with a photographer to do newborn pictures (if you're doing them at all) ? I certainly want to but am unsure as to how far out I should be to find a photographer and likely put down a deposit to hold my place or something of that nature. I've looked on a few photographers websites in my area but none of them mention it. Any STM+ advice? :)
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Re: Newborn photography

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    i signed up last week(13 weeks)... the sooner the better Id say.  Id look for someone that you can rights to at least some of the pics.. with my last baby I didnt notice that or pay attention and it was an arm and leg to get the pics and I couldnt get the rights to use for annoucements etc without paying more than what my wedding photographer was.  I d def say the pics are worth the money though I love my sons and still have them up in my office and our house.
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    I have not thought about this but make sure that you get all rights, including printing rights, to your photos and see if you can get them on a cd where you can print them yourself and do whatever you want with them. I did this with my wedding photos and I am so happy that I did. I love knowing that I have all of my photos and if I wanted to print them all out in ten years then I could. 
    Married: August 2012
    TTC #1: July 2015
    BFP 1: October 30, 2015; EDD: July 6, 2016- Team Pink
    TTC #2: September 2019

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    As soon as you find one you like is a good time to schedule. The photographer I used last time would only book so many each month since we don't always know the exact date baby will arrive. I'm looking at another photographer this time and she offers a free mini maternity session, so I need to book it soon.

    Also, as PP said, keep in mind the rights to your photos while researching.
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    I'd try to identify a photographer within the next month or so. I know it seems way out, but it was very difficult for me to find anyone with DS, and I started doing my research when I was 6 months pregnant. My understanding is that most newborn sessions take place up to 10 or 14 days after birth. I didn't have to put down a deposit to reserve a spot. And, I second PPs' advice on making sure that you are getting the rights to the digital files as well. It's usually another $200+ on top of the session fee.

    If you plan to have maternity photos taken, you could take a test-run of the photographer at that time. Also, a lot of photographers will do packages where they include both the maternity and newborn sessions. I believe they recommend having maternity photos taken around 30 weeks. I believe that's the ideal time for when your bump is out there and cute but you don't look/aren't very uncomfortable yet!
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    Call soon. I think I had just entered my trimester and there were many already booked. I had to use someone with a studio last time since DD is a Jan. Baby. Looking for someone cheaper this time.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    While you consider newborn photos, I really recommend planning to have hospital/birthing facility photos done after your baby arrives. My biggest regret with my first child is not having professional quality pictures of him and our family within the first day or two in the hospital.
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    I need some advice/help. DH thinks "naked newborn baby pictures" are weird. How do I convince him this is a way to capture them being tiny and new when it goes by so quickly?
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    I did my own, and they turned out frickin adorable. Every time I tried to get them printed somewhere they told me I needed signed permission from the photographer and they didn't believe I took them at first.
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    @SparkySunshine Did you use a pretty nice camera? I would love to take our own. DH has taken some photography classes, but our camera is mediocre at best.
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    edited January 2016
    @jenkea I have a Rebel T3i, but I have never taken classes. I have watched a ton of YouTube videos on the settings though.
    One thing that I LOVED about doing them myself was if LO just wasn't feeling it right then, I could take a break and come back to it. With an appointment, what would you do if LO was totally not in the mood?

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    I think the only real advice is to book one as soon as you have one you like... and don't wait until the last minute to try finding one. The ideal window for the shoot, as another PP mentioned, between 10-14 days old. They are still bean-like and sleep most of the day.

    If you can find a photog that will come to your house and bring lighting/props etc with them, DO IT!!! We did that with DS and it was perfect. She essentially brought a studio with her and we didn't have to deal with taking him out in the cold to a studio. We'll be doing the same with 2.0.

    Try to get the photos done on the earlier side of the age window, the earlier the better because they won't wake and cry/fuss.

    Remember that summer is wedding season... photographers will probably be solidly booked up on weekends shooting weddings most of the summer.

    DS: EDD, December 19th, 2014. Born, December 19th, 2014!
    DD: EDD, July 18th, 2016. Born, July 19th, 2016!
    CafeMom Tickers

    Baby #3: EDD, April 16th, 2016
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    @SparkySunshine I wouldn't even know! DD slept through the entire session.
    I think I might be swaying toward an investment in a nicer camera over paying for the session. I forgot how expensive they are!
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    We are going to get them done. The one I really like is $150 for a 2-3 hour session. That is without the digital files. I have yet to ask how much that will cost.  :#

    One thing I will add when researching photographers is make sure whomever is taking your baby's pictures does so safely. You know those cutesy poses where the baby is holding it's head in it's hands? That should be a composite shot. I was mortified when I saw a video online of a photographer actually putting a newborn in that position on it's own. Without the support of an adults hands.
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    We are using the same photographer that we used with DD, and she takes the pictures within the first 10 days of baby's life (she prefers the first 6-7 days). She books out 6+ months, and I already touched base with her when I first found out I was expecting, so she has the heads up, and I will be putting the deposit down next month. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Racso12 said:
    One thing I will add when researching photographers is make sure whomever is taking your baby's pictures does so safely. You know those cutesy poses where the baby is holding it's head in it's hands? That should be a composite shot. I was mortified when I saw a video online of a photographer actually putting a newborn in that position on it's own. Without the support of an adults hands.
    This. We did some of those with DD, and it is actually two pictures. The first, I am holding her hands in place, and the second, I am holding her head in place. She also does some of babies in little hammock type things, hanging from a tree branch. But the dad is usually holding the branch, the mom is supporting the baby, and they are only a few inches off the ground. A good photographer can get those unnecessary people out of the picture, and make it look like the baby is just freely hanging there. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    ^^ this!!!!
    I'm a photographer and lots of people who do newborn photography don't know what they are doing! Pay the extra bucks for the safety of your baby!!! You don't want to take any risks for the sake of pictures! For those looking for hospital pictures, you'll usually find lifestyle photographer who offers fresh 48 sessions! Most studio newborn photographers won't come to the hospital!
    If anyone is upstate NY area and not due late July (hehe) you can PM me!
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    I did my own, and they turned out frickin adorable. Every time I tried to get them printed somewhere they told me I needed signed permission from the photographer and they didn't believe I took them at first.

    Would you mind posting a couple. I want to see what you did?
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    @Y0urm0m I posted a few on another thread and tagged you, let me know if you can't find them!
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    @shanparadise Sorry, DH and I feel the same way. We have a few photographers in the family and we were so scared to offend them because we don't like naked baby pictures. I remember thinking mine were embarrassing when I was a kid, so our thinking is if baby can't give permission, it's not nice to do. I understand that our thinking is very unusual though and most people do naked newborn pictures.
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    I have been in contact with the photog. I want to use. Her rates start at $700 for a newborn session...Is this in line with what others are seeing? It would include rights/a CD of all images but no prints.
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    @theshannondee what is included in the session? Are you in a big city? It seems pretty pricey!
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    @jolydan I'm in Portland, so not crazy big but... It includes her props, sets, time, CD of images, those standard things- but anything too specific we would need to provide. I honestly couldn't guess what people charge for such a thing so I am just hoping for some perspective. 
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    The photographer I'm liking costs $400.00 USD. That price includes a 1.5-3hr session, all the props I want to use, includes baby only pics + family pics, and a CD/ digital copy of all the edited photos (she said between 30-60 edited photos)

    700$ is a bit pricy, but what all does it include? :)
    Image result for jackson april gif baby
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    So no prints? How long is the session?
    I think it's pricey. When I launched my business I looked a lot what the average prices were and anything over 500$ is consider pricey especially if there's nos print included. If it's a 1-2h session (I doubt it would be more) it's like she's charging close to 100$ an hour (I include the time it takes to retouch the pictures)
    I would recommend looking at other photographers in the Portland area to see if she's over charging. I can also recommend looking on Instagram with # like portlandnewbornphotography or portlandphotographer. You
    Might find gems that aren't the big popular ones!
    But again I don't know about your budget so if you are really in love with her work and can afford it don't sweat it!
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    @hallgire  @jolydan
    UGH damn Portland. I just looked around and she is right in line. It seems between $550 for mini session and well over $2k charged by a couple different photographers. The instagram tip is a good idea. We don't have a budget as I had no clue on what to expect but I guess we're going to have to shell out some bucks if we want it done. Thanks guys.
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    Holy moly! I saw some here in Nebraska charging like 800$ + for sessions. But I really love the photographer I've found and I love her work and she's quick to respond to any questions I have. AND, we can bring some of our own props if we wish to, which some photographers I've noticed are finicky about. I like the digital copy/ gallery I'm getting with her because I can make prints as I see fit.
    Image result for jackson april gif baby
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    @hallgire I'm in Nebraska too! My photographer is charging me $350 which includes all photo rights. But you're right, some of these fancy places charge an arm and a leg.
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    There are also a few photographers around me that will do a bundle of maternity/newborn that is cheaper than doing them separately. I also heard of one that you buy a year package! Newborn + a few sessions as they get older (3,6,12 month's maybe?)
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    Yikes. I love newborn photos but they are so expensive! DH and I bought a good camera for our trip to Europe a few years ago. It was a few hundred dollars, but it takes great photos. We even used it to take my sister's wedding photos and they turned out great.

    We'll just take our own. That way, we won't have to deal with choosing a few to print or getting the rights.

    If you're at all interested in photography, I have to say I'd suggest buying a nice camera and watching some tutorials on the settings. It's less expensive than a professional shoot and you'll always have a nice camera to take pictures of the kiddos in the future.
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    @jolydan Thank you for the Instagram tip! I think I found the photographer I'll use for family photos. It's still expensive but not as outrageous as some I was seeing when I was googling
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    Those deals seem super awesome, one of my dearest friends is a photographer on the side, she doesn't do it professionally. But she is going to take my maternity pictures. The  only reason she isn't doing my newborn pictures is because she's also pregnant and about 2 weeks ahead of me and will be recovering and I wouldn't want to bother her with taking pictures of my newborn when she has her own as well. :)
    Image result for jackson april gif baby
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    elenabrentelenabrent member
    edited January 2016
    A lot of newborn photographers are really pricey because you are in their studio for like 3-6 hours. They plan for the baby to need to nurse/be changed/etc so that they can capture photos during each of their different sleep cycles. As a photographer (I don't do newborns) I realize that it is a huge time investment up front PLUS a lot of editing on the back end. It takes a lot of time to stage a safe newborn shot and then photoshop out the hands and all that extra stuff. I charge $200-$300 for a 1-2 hour family photo session where the editing is pretty light. If I did newborns I would have to charge significantly more to make it worth my time.

    ETA: That said, if you're going to invest in newborn photos (or any professional photos) it is worth it to pay more for someone with the credentials and experience. I know too many people who got a deal and then were really disappointed. With big events like the first few days of your child's life there are no do-overs. 

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    I will use the same photographer I use with ds! I searched online when I was pregnant for him for a few weeks to find the style photographer I liked. I contacted her when I was about 20 weeks. We had a 3-4 hr session in her studio, I have rights to photos, it was $425. So worth the investment! She also did fall photos, Christmas card photos and just this past weekend, Valentine's photos! So I use her a lot!
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    We have access to a nice camera so I'm going to momtographer the shiz out of this baby.

    Also, before you have the hospital photographer take pictures, check their previous work. We opted out because it was so cheesy and not super cute. Did not want to spend $300 on something I didn't love.
    H. Foxe born October 22, 2013
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    HeathereaddyHeathereaddy member
    edited January 2016
    I'm also in Nebraska. Which photographer are you using if it's in the Omaha/Lincoln area? @shanparadise
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    Even though I'm getting professional pictures done I still plan on splurging on a nice camera to have for myself. @heathereaddy I'm also in NE and here's a link to the photographer I'm looking into. Not 100% settled yet though. And also not sure about where in NE you're located so it may be too far out. :)
    Image result for jackson april gif baby
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    Thanks @hallgire for the link! She's not too far from me and does nice work!
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    @Heathereaddy I'm in Omaha and I use Royce Studio www.roycestudio.com. She did my wedding and we are still so in love with our pictures.
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    You're so welcome @heathereaddy !
    @shanparadise I'm also in Omaha! What all do you get with that studio for the 350$? The website doesn't really clarify.
    Image result for jackson april gif baby
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