February 2016 Moms

Introducing Vincent!

AchaeAchae member
edited January 2016 in February 2016 Moms
I was having contractions for a couple of days and then yesterday they increased to every 15 minutes the whole day. At night they seemed to increase in frequency so I decided I'd time them on an app. Every 15 quickly became 10 which quickly became 5. I asked my dad to come down and watch our daughter but then it became every 2-3 minutes and I decided I couldn't wait so we loaded up the car to meet him at the hospital.
Quickly got to a room and the nurse checked me - 9 cm already and that broke my water. But that meant no pain meds because baby was ready now. Worst pain ever but after a few pushes Vincent was born at 1 am. I have a third degree tear so now I'm just resting up. Baby is already latching great and sleeping so peacefully.
Eta: 8 lb 8 oz and 20"!


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