February 2016 Moms

Hypnobirthing Check-in

As February is nearing, I thought it'd be nice to check in and see how hypnobirthing/hypnobabies preparation is going for everyone. Any questions? Stories? Tips? How are you all doing??
*E 10/2012, H 7/2014, F 2/2016*
Pregnancy Ticker

Re: Hypnobirthing Check-in

  • I'm actually pretty excited to go into labor and use my Hypnobabies techniques! I think I'm also much more relaxed because it's baby number 2 and I have a rough idea of what to expect. I have a dumb, niggling fear I can't shake, though. What if I can't handle it/ lose focus and ask for an epidural again? I've asked myhusband to devote so much time to Hypnobabies prep with me that I feel like if be letting him down. It's so silly, I know.
  • We had a busy weekend so I didn't do 100% of my daily practice each day, and I start to lose a little confidence when I slip. Back into the routine today, though, and excited!

    I've mentioned it in a couple threads, but baby flipped to breech last week (37 weeks) after having been head down all 3rd tri. I was very, very nervous to go into L&D for a version, because it was very painful and unsuccessful when I had it done with my first baby. I didn't take the time to turn my lightswitch off and then center, but I did use the peace cue and kept reminding myself to let my body be "completely loose, limp and lazy"...and the experience was 100% different. It was just slightly uncomfortable, just pressure, no pain - and successful! Who knows why exactly it was so different, but I was so thankful for my HB tools to help keep me more calm and relaxed.

    And as a bonus, I had been having so much pelvic pain for the previous 2.5 months, and it is 95% gone since the day that baby turned breech. I wonder if baby was "stuck" in a bad position that was causing that pain? Either way, my spirit is renewed and I have confidence and motivation again!!! This has completely changed my attitude - I was starting to really get down and wonder if I'd be able to do it, as it felt like everything that could go wrong was going wrong. Baby turning breech actually ended up being a HUGE blessing:)

    @Mamacat316 I definitely understand the fear of things getting really intense and wanting to give up. I definitely got to that point during my first HB, and I was lucky that it was when I was at a 9 and 15 minutes away from pushing. For me, hearing that I was almost there gave me the boost that I needed, so this time around, I've definitely told me husband specific things that he can tell me if we get to that point that I think might help! Good for you for getting your DH so involved. Hopefully he'll feel invested in a good, encouraging way!
    *E 10/2012, H 7/2014, F 2/2016*
    Pregnancy Ticker

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  • Eek. I haven't even looked at it yet.36 weeks today
  • @MississippiCatfish this is EXACTLY what I need to hear - that your prep made an uncomfortable situation more manageable. Your being so positive about baby's position will serve you well during birth, I'm sure. My husband actually loves all the prep, it's more the fear of things spiraling out of control. fingers crossed for you.
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