@ScoutPout: Sorry about the migrane but hope you are feeling better! GL at your a/s!
@Emztron500: Glad your a/s went well! Hope your pelvis pain gets better!
Weeks/Fruit: 19 weeks tomorrow/Mango!
Rants/Raves: Rant: Snowed in and hubby sprained his ankle somehow while trying to shovel us out. Now there are 2 gimps in the house. 99% sure I won't have work tomorrow and they haven't even plowed our neighborhood at all, but was still hoping for him to get a majority of the shoveling done today since it will likely be harder tomorrow. He's got it iced now so hopefully he will feel better soon! Also, felt more nauseous today that I have felt this entire pregnancy. Didn't throw up, but notice the trash can in the pic below. Felt bad enough to have it near while I rested on the sofa Raves: We're snowed in and Daisy looooves the snow. We let her "run" free on the street and she found another dog to play with. It was hilarious watching them hop through the snow. Daisy had snow balls ALL OVER her fur (pic attached) but she ate some of it and we delicately picked some off and the rest has since melted and she's totally fine. Our sofas are covered in towels b/c of COURSE that's where she wants to lay down.
Appointment Updates: Supposed to have my a/s on Tuesday morning but will call tomorrow to reschedule I guess since we're currently buried under 2 feet of snow. If by some miracle they plow the roads decently, I MAY try to go, but that's only if it's done by tomorrow midday-ish. Definitely bummed, but hopefully I can get it rescheduled to sometime soon - in the next two weeks. We already know we are having a boy but still want to see baby again and make sure everything looks good!
GTKY: What's been your biggest pregnancy craving? Anything salty. Lots of chips and would LOOOVE some super cheesy (cheddar) popcorn. I can't find the UTZ cheddar cheese popcorn anywhere and I love that stuff. The more cheese dust on my fingers, the better! And all the carbs!
@BakerBird525 my sister and I used to steal the cheese powder from macaroni and cheese boxes and dump it on our popcorn, then dump the leftover macaroni into my mum's big bulk food storage jars. Made her nuts but tasted sooo gooooood! Love the snowy dog, lol.
Rants/Raves: Rant - the security company DH works for is losing their contract at the mall he works at. This was supposed to go down in April but they ended up giving them their 30 days notice to vacate the property this week and the new company is coming in on Tuesday to start negotiations with which officers they're keeping. So basically we'll find out Tuesday if he's going to have a job. He also has to get paid out for his saved PTO with his current company (which he was saving for after the baby was born) and we're hoping the new company will honor the same vacation time so he'll have his 2 weeks to use in June. Ugh. On top of just hoping that he'll still have a job, period. I hate being in a stage of so much not knowing.
Appointment Updates? My Anatomy scan is on Thursday. Excited to see if this kid is still a boy and still growing on track and healthy. DH had to miss my NT scan so this will be the first (and hopefully last) extended u/s he'll be able to go to.
GTKY: What's been your biggest pregnancy craving? Taco Bell bean burritos. Taco Bell is the only fast food I eat as is, but now I feel like I NEED it. I probably have a burrito at least 3x a week for lunch. Crossing my fingers that pregnancy burns me out and I can cut fast food out completely... haha
@BakerBird525 my golden would be in heaven!!! She loves snow and we haven't really had any at all this year. Daisy is so pretty!
Weeks/Fruit: 19+3 - Mango
Rants/Raves: Rave: My best friend and I just got back from a day away shopping, and just spending time together, it was a great night away!! Rant: I'm irritable about pretty much anything and everything but really have no reason why...
Appointment Updates: Anatomy scan on Wednesday!!
GTKY: What's been your biggest pregnancy craving? Pizza. I could eat pizza all day, everyday!
Rants/rave- its kinda cold outside. I still Dont have a coat for the winter so I have to wear an extra of DHs and he's about 3 times the size as me. Was finally feeling up to getting back outside and cutting and splitting some wood today. DH invested in a wood preocesser which makes my life a lil easier at least. DD has learned to use her hands as well as her feet while playing in my belly she's so small but so profound already
Appt update- I go Wednesday, I've been looking forward to it all month because they are going to schedule my A/S hopefully DD #2 is growing as she should
GTKY. What's been your biggest pregnancy craving? I'd have to say cherry Pepsi. I'm not a pop drinker at all. But since about a month ago I have craved this and can drink as much as you'll let me lol weird
Rants/Raves: I feel like I'm catching a cold AGAIN. I swear being pregnant during cold and flu season with a new kindergartener is the worst. This is like the fifth or sixth virus I've had this pregnancy and I usually hardly ever get sick. I will say it's better now that I'm out of the first tri fatigue/ms and I can feel baby kicks, which remind me it's all worth it.
Appointment Updates: Had the anatomy scan and everything looks good. DS2 wasn't cooperating very well for the tech and would change position every time he tried to zoom in for a measurement. I might have to go back to get another shot of some things that were blocked by his position.
GTKY: What's been your biggest pregnancy craving? Anything sour! Pickles and this sour cabbage stuff that H's grandmother makes. She puts it in pierogi or these bread roll things. Soooo good, we have a giant bag in our freezer. Also pickled beets and rye bread. The polish grocery store is my bff.
@BakerBird525 your golden is so adorable and hilarious!!! What a great pic. Sorry you're snowed in. I'm in Ohio and we were told 6 inches and got 1 that melted away today.
@ScoutPout Now I desperately want Greek food. Looks like I'll be making a greek feast tonight because the closest Greek restaurant is an hour away and its not that good. @ahernandez16 I'm SO sorry about your husband's job situation. That sucks!! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Weeks/Fruit: 21 weeks/Pomegranate (I swear these fruits are all out of order)
Rants/Raves: I've been sleeping with my snoogle and for whatever reason been waking up in the middle of the night with my ear burning (whichever ear is on top of the snoogle) and have to roll over. I'm sure it drives DH nuts to have me tossing and turning all night. Rave I guess is that its been warm enough that the snow and ice in our driveway is finally starting to melt. We were out of town when we got a big snow and it all turned to ice before we could shovel it, so we've just been letting it sit there. Poor delivery people :-(
Appointment Updates: Had my anatomy scan last week and everything looked good according to the doctor!! I go back on Feb 16th and have to drink that nasty red glucose test drink beforehand. I'll be glad when these appointments are more frequent than once a month, the waiting just kills me.
GTKY: What's been your biggest pregnancy craving? Chicken salad sandwiches, fruit smoothies, and ice cream
Rants/Raves: My rant is I made another trip to the ER on Friday to be treated again for HG. I really thought I was past it. It was a miserable weekend. I'm praying we don't have issues going forward. It feels worse the farther along I am.
Totally being all AWish right now but My rave is DH totally stepped up and took care of everything (DS, cooking, cleaning, errands etc) while I was out of commission from basically Thursday afternoon until Sunday night all without complaining once. He even managed to rub my feet and back at night without me asking. He did good!
Appointment Updates: anatomy scan is wed. We finally decided to be team green this time so no finding out for us!
GTKY: What's been your biggest pregnancy craving? Now that I can eat again, I'm loving all carbs and dark chocolate. It's not really much different than pre-pregnancy. If only we could add a few glasses of wine to that list, all would be back to normal!
Rants/Raves: My only real rant is that my back kills me now. I have the hardest time sleeping because of it and is a constant pain throughout the day.
Appointment Updates: I have an OB appointment on Feb 3rd. I believe it's just so they can listen with the Doppler. I also have another ultrasound March 1st, I believe. Since my baby was stubborn and we couldn't get a profile shot at my 18 weeks ultrasound.
GTKY: What's been your biggest pregnancy craving? I love Mexican food. I eat it a few times a week. Chimichangas and chips and salsa/queso. I also crave sushi a lot, but I limit that.
Rants/Raves: My only real rant is that my back kills me now. I have the hardest time sleeping because of it and is a constant pain throughout the day.
Appointment Updates: I have an OB appointment on Feb 3rd. I believe it's just so they can listen with the Doppler. I also have another ultrasound March 1st, I believe. Since my baby was stubborn and we couldn't get a profile shot at my 18 weeks ultrasound.
GTKY: What's been your biggest pregnancy craving? I love Mexican food. I eat it a few times a week. Chimichangas and chips and salsa/queso. I also crave sushi a lot, but I limit that.
Are you open to trying a chiropractor for the back pain? I go regularly but also went through my entire first pregnancy and so far during this one and it's helped tremendously!
@Emztron500 I thought about that idea this weekend, but I figured their hours and most likely the same as mine since I work at a Dr. Office. I feel like I won't be able to get off of work To go. I already have to miss work for OB appointments. Ill still look into it though.
Rants/Raves: Rants? no motivation to exercise after my 10 hr/day desk job. Although, I am up and down a lot i know i need to be doing more!! Raves? I think i'm finally feeling him move on a semi-regular basis although DH can't feel it yet.
Appointment Updates: We already know we are having a boy but the anatomy scan is next week so we are really excited to see "proof". The following week is an ultrasound with a pediatric cardiologist to check for (and hopefully rule out) tetralogy of fallot. DH niece had it so they want to check.
GTKY: What's been your biggest pregnancy craving? nothing really although was a couple days i really wanted salty chips. I haven't craved anything strange or anything i wouldn't have "craved" normally.
Re: ~**Sunday/Monday Ticker Change 1/24**~
Rants/Raves: So much pain in my pelvis. Argh.
Appointment Updates: Had my anatomy scan on Friday! Everything looked great. Didn't find out sex (team green) but it was fun to see the baby.
GTKY: What's been your biggest pregnancy craving? Sushi and chocolate bars.
Rants/Raves: Feeling much bigger lately & also feeling her a whole lot more which is awesome!
Appointment Updates: I don't go again until 2/10
GTKY: What's been your biggest pregnancy craving? Steak everyday!!
Rants/Raves: experienced my first migraine ever this past week and it sucked!
Appointment Updates: Anatomy scan this coming Friday holla!
GTKY: What's been your biggest pregnancy craving? Ice cream and chocolate. And weirdly Greek food. Mmmm gyros and seasoned fries
@Emztron500: Glad your a/s went well! Hope your pelvis pain gets better!
Weeks/Fruit: 19 weeks tomorrow/Mango!
Rants/Raves: Rant: Snowed in and hubby sprained his ankle somehow while trying to shovel us out. Now there are 2 gimps in the house. 99% sure I won't have work tomorrow and they haven't even plowed our neighborhood at all, but was still hoping for him to get a majority of the shoveling done today since it will likely be harder tomorrow. He's got it iced now so hopefully he will feel better soon! Also, felt more nauseous today that I have felt this entire pregnancy. Didn't throw up, but notice the trash can in the pic below. Felt bad enough to have it near while I rested on the sofa Raves: We're snowed in and Daisy looooves the snow. We let her "run" free on the street and she found another dog to play with. It was hilarious watching them hop through the snow. Daisy had snow balls ALL OVER her fur (pic attached) but she ate some of it and we delicately picked some off and the rest has since melted and she's totally fine. Our sofas are covered in towels b/c of COURSE that's where she wants to lay down.
Appointment Updates: Supposed to have my a/s on Tuesday morning but will call tomorrow to reschedule I guess since we're currently buried under 2 feet of snow. If by some miracle they plow the roads decently, I MAY try to go, but that's only if it's done by tomorrow midday-ish. Definitely bummed, but hopefully I can get it rescheduled to sometime soon - in the next two weeks. We already know we are having a boy but still want to see baby again and make sure everything looks good!
GTKY: What's been your biggest pregnancy craving? Anything salty. Lots of chips and would LOOOVE some super cheesy (cheddar) popcorn. I can't find the UTZ cheddar cheese popcorn anywhere and I love that stuff. The more cheese dust on my fingers, the better! And all the carbs!
Daisy caught blizzard-itis:
Me - 33, DH - 33
Married - May 2014
DH - Low Count/Motility/Morph - Varicocele vein x 2 - surgery (8/11) - success!
BFP - 10/10/15, EDD - 6/20/16 - It's a BOY!
Baby #1 - 6/29/16 - Lucas Christopher, 10 lbs 3 oz, 22.25 inches
Baby #2 - TTC May 2017
BFP - 9/10/17, EDD - 5/26/18 - It's a GIRL! - RCS May 22nd
My Chart
Rants/Raves: Rant - the security company DH works for is losing their contract at the mall he works at. This was supposed to go down in April but they ended up giving them their 30 days notice to vacate the property this week and the new company is coming in on Tuesday to start negotiations with which officers they're keeping. So basically we'll find out Tuesday if he's going to have a job. He also has to get paid out for his saved PTO with his current company (which he was saving for after the baby was born) and we're hoping the new company will honor the same vacation time so he'll have his 2 weeks to use in June. Ugh. On top of just hoping that he'll still have a job, period. I hate being in a stage of so much not knowing.
Appointment Updates? My Anatomy scan is on Thursday. Excited to see if this kid is still a boy and still growing on track and healthy. DH had to miss my NT scan so this will be the first (and hopefully last) extended u/s he'll be able to go to.
GTKY: What's been your biggest pregnancy craving? Taco Bell bean burritos. Taco Bell is the only fast food I eat as is, but now I feel like I NEED it. I probably have a burrito at least 3x a week for lunch. Crossing my fingers that pregnancy burns me out and I can cut fast food out completely... haha
19+3 - Mango
Rave: My best friend and I just got back from a day away shopping, and just spending time together, it was a great night away!!
Rant: I'm irritable about pretty much anything and everything but really have no reason why...
Appointment Updates:
Anatomy scan on Wednesday!!
GTKY: What's been your biggest pregnancy craving?
Pizza. I could eat pizza all day, everyday!
Rants/Raves: constant pulsing in my ears-ugh and a little sore today from my pt exercises.
Baby is kicking like crazy lately so that is awesome.
Appointment Updates: don't go back until 2/8
GTKY: What's been your biggest pregnancy craving? Banana Peppers and Tahitian Treat
Also schnitzel and Greek food
Rants/rave- its kinda cold outside. I still Dont have a coat for the winter so I have to wear an extra of DHs and he's about 3 times the size as me. Was finally feeling up to getting back outside and cutting and splitting some wood today. DH invested in a wood preocesser which makes my life a lil easier at least. DD has learned to use her hands as well as her feet while playing in my belly she's so small but so profound already
Appt update- I go Wednesday, I've been looking forward to it all month because they are going to schedule my A/S
GTKY. What's been your biggest pregnancy craving? I'd have to say cherry Pepsi. I'm not a pop drinker at all. But since about a month ago I have craved this and can drink as much as you'll let me lol weird
Rants/Raves: I feel like I'm catching a cold AGAIN. I swear being pregnant during cold and flu season with a new kindergartener is the worst. This is like the fifth or sixth virus I've had this pregnancy and I usually hardly ever get sick. I will say it's better now that I'm out of the first tri fatigue/ms and I can feel baby kicks, which remind me it's all worth it.
Appointment Updates: Had the anatomy scan and everything looks good. DS2 wasn't cooperating very well for the tech and would change position every time he tried to zoom in for a measurement. I might have to go back to get another shot of some things that were blocked by his position.
GTKY: What's been your biggest pregnancy craving? Anything sour! Pickles and this sour cabbage stuff that H's grandmother makes. She puts it in pierogi or these bread roll things. Soooo good, we have a giant bag in our freezer. Also pickled beets and rye bread. The polish grocery store is my bff.
@ahernandez16 I'm SO sorry about your husband's job situation. That sucks!! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Weeks/Fruit: 21 weeks/Pomegranate (I swear these fruits are all out of order)
Rants/Raves: I've been sleeping with my snoogle and for whatever reason been waking up in the middle of the night with my ear burning (whichever ear is on top of the snoogle) and have to roll over. I'm sure it drives DH nuts to have me tossing and turning all night. Rave I guess is that its been warm enough that the snow and ice in our driveway is finally starting to melt. We were out of town when we got a big snow and it all turned to ice before we could shovel it, so we've just been letting it sit there. Poor delivery people :-(
Appointment Updates: Had my anatomy scan last week and everything looked good according to the doctor!! I go back on Feb 16th and have to drink that nasty red glucose test drink beforehand. I'll be glad when these appointments are more frequent than once a month, the waiting just kills me.
GTKY: What's been your biggest pregnancy craving? Chicken salad sandwiches, fruit smoothies, and ice cream
Rants/Raves: My rant is I made another trip to the ER on Friday to be treated again for HG. I really thought I was past it. It was a miserable weekend. I'm praying we don't have issues going forward. It feels worse the farther along I am.
Totally being all AWish right now but My rave is DH totally stepped up and took care of everything (DS, cooking, cleaning, errands etc) while I was out of commission from basically Thursday afternoon until Sunday night all without complaining once. He even managed to rub my feet and back at night without me asking. He did good!
Appointment Updates: anatomy scan is wed. We finally decided to be team green this time so no finding out for us!
GTKY: What's been your biggest pregnancy craving? Now that I can eat again, I'm loving all carbs and dark chocolate. It's not really much different than pre-pregnancy. If only we could add a few glasses of wine to that list, all would be back to normal!
21 weeks/ Pomegranate
My only real rant is that my back kills me now. I have the hardest time sleeping because of it and is a constant pain throughout the day.
Appointment Updates:
I have an OB appointment on Feb 3rd. I believe it's just so they can listen with the Doppler. I also have another ultrasound March 1st, I believe. Since my baby was stubborn and we couldn't get a profile shot at my 18 weeks ultrasound.
GTKY: What's been your biggest pregnancy craving?
I love Mexican food. I eat it a few times a week. Chimichangas and chips and salsa/queso. I also crave sushi a lot, but I limit that.
Rants/Raves: Rants? no motivation to exercise after my 10 hr/day desk job. Although, I am up and down a lot i know i need to be doing more!! Raves? I think i'm finally feeling him move on a semi-regular basis although DH can't feel it yet.
Appointment Updates: We already know we are having a boy but the anatomy scan is next week so we are really excited to see "proof". The following week is an ultrasound with a pediatric cardiologist to check for (and hopefully rule out) tetralogy of fallot. DH niece had it so they want to check.
GTKY: What's been your biggest pregnancy craving? nothing really although was a couple days i really wanted salty chips. I haven't craved anything strange or anything i wouldn't have "craved" normally.