
Intro / Question

Hi ladies I am new to this board since my original plan was to go vaginally. Heres my journey so far.

FTM and 27 wks. I started having really bad lower back and hip pain two weeks ago. I would wake up crying every two hours. I had a stress test showing many contractions and was put on bed rest. We are now talking about a c section due to my current complications and history of back problems. My OB is a bit concerned about the epidural or delivery messing with my back even more. I am waiting for my back doctor to provide his recommendation.

I wouldn't be my first surgery but it still makes me nervous. Any of you select a c section due to back issues?

Re: Intro / Question

  • No, not for back issues.  My first was an emergency at 32 weeks.  The second, I was given the choice between a repeat or a vbac.  My Dr didn't come out and say, but I got the impression he was trying to steer me towards a vbac but I instead chose a c/s due to mental health issues.  The second was a pretty calm and easy process.
  • If you have a choice to go natural do it!!! I had my first by an induction because she was getting to big and just wanted to stay inside I had two injections into my iv of pain meds. With my second child I labored mainly at home and made it to the hospital about an hour and 1/2 before I had to push I had no pain meds at all. With my third I had to get induced as well because of the same reason as my first. I dilated to an 8 1/2 and he happened to get his cord all tangled up in his legs and his heart rate dropped so we ended up having to do an emergency csection. He came out all good but I had to get a spinal which with no back pain was fine so I couldn't imagine having a lower back issues and getting a spinal. You may want to think about that one.

    Also, this whole recovery and right after I keep telling my husband and can't wrap my head around the fact that anyone would want to get a csection unless it is medically necessary I just don't get it!?! You can have a natural birth and be walking around fine and taking care of your kid and do normal things around the house or get a damn csection and not be able to go up and down stairs, no driving for at least 10 days oh ya and when that is up have fear about getting into an accident, only lifting your baby, not laying on your tummy, good luck trying to roll to get out of bed, can't exercise right away, no chiro appointments for awhile, and to top it off you still bleed and it hurts like a bitch and your nerve endings take up to a year to even get back together so you can't feel parts of your tummy. So after having every type of birth I rather go all natural then ever having another csection but I'm not having any more kids but I had to share how shitty it has been this time around. Sorry for the long ranting post!!
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  • I would like to go natural if I could but I am thinking a scheduled c section would be best. I had many pain relief shots in my spine and sacroiliac joint in the past. They feared that my pain is mostly coming from the joint and that's what usually expands when delivering a baby (from what I have been told). I would not want to make that worse. I am 27+3 today and baby was last seen last week measuring at over 28 weeks - his head was at 30 (ah big head). I've had other pelvic related surgery (fully asleep) so the recovery is not a major concern. I don't want to have to deal with more pain later on and not be able to run after my kids haha. I feel like a c section might be the safest (and calmer) for me and baby.

    Thanks for your feedback ladies! Its much appreciated.
  • So admittedly, I do not have a vaginal birth to compare my two c sections with, but I have had two very smooth recoveries. I have not had any issues taking care of myself or the baby post op, and I was climbing stairs the day I was released from the hospital (both 48hrs post op). 

    My first section was a bit of a surprise; DS was breech, so I knew it would be a section, but he decided to come early. DD was an RCS, so I definitely was nervous leading up to that. I have also had several surgeries, but I was just hoping I made the right decision not to VBAC. 

    Most doctors don't offer c sections unless they believe there is a legitimate need, so if your doctor is considering it, talk with them about all your options so you feel comfortable in your choice. There are complications you are at higher risks for in subsequent pregnancies if you choose c section, so do some research before you make a final decision. Good luck!
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