Baby Names

MN for Caroline

bartonoliviabartonolivia member
edited January 2016 in Baby Names
We have fallen in love with the name Caroline. It's not typically our style but it just clicked. Older brothers name is Ezra Dean. We are struggling with middle names though. We really like
Caroline Olivia (Olivia is my first name)
Caroline Jane ( jane is my middle name)
But we aren't sure if Caroline Olivia is a mouthful and Caroline Jane doesn't seem like it flows well. What are your opinions and suggestion?

Also, do you think Carol and Carrie are given nicknames for Caroline? We really just want to call her by her full name but if we have to use a nickname sometimes what other ones could we use?

Re: MN for Caroline

  • I love Caroline Olivia!  
  • BlueJuiceBlueJuice member
    edited January 2016
    I think they both are pretty good middle names. We are planning to use the name Caroline if this baby is a girl, and our nickname of choice is Kara. Technically we're using it as an honorific for a relative named Carol, but I don't actually like the name Carol at all so we tweaked it in a direction we prefer.
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  • Caroline Olivia is lovely. 
    And I don't think Carol or Carrie are a given. I know a Caroline and everyone just calls her Caroline and if they choose to shorten it they usually say Liney. But, I don't know how you feel about that.  
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