July 2016 Moms

**Sunday Ticker Change**

I don't think I saw this started yet, so for those starting a new week on Sunday:

How many weeks are you/comparable fruit?


Upcoming appointments or ultrasounds?

GTKY what is your biggest craving (I'm running out of GTKYs haha)

Re: **Sunday Ticker Change**

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    How many weeks are you/comparable fruit?

    Hunger. Fatigue. Still get randomly gaggy which leads to leaking pee.

    Upcoming appointments or ultrasounds?
    We have our anatomy scan in about 3 weeks.

    GTKY what is your biggest craving?
    Mexican. Greek. Eggs Benedict.
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    born2run911born2run911 member
    edited January 2016
    How many weeks/fruit?

    Stopped diclectin because I ran out and wanted to see what I was like without it. Feeling pretty good actually. Just gaggy/puke once a day in the morning and good to go for the rest of the day!

    Upcoming appointments/ultrasounds?
    No appointments for a few weeks and anatomy scan after that.

    GTKY: TUNA! All I want is arugula salad with tuna and balsamic. I'm obsessed

    ETA: posted too early.
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    How many weeks are you/comparable fruit? 17 weeks/onion

    Symptoms/rants/raves: I haven't thrown up in a week now, it has been wonderful. Still a little nauseated in the morning, but as long as I move slowly, I'm okay.

    Upcoming appointments or ultrasounds? Anatomy scan on Feb 15th, so excited to see baby again. :)

    GTKY what is your biggest craving? I haven't really had any cravings! I had a lot of aversions at first, now I'm pretty much just eating how I normally did, not wanting anything special.
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    How many weeks/fruit?
    14/ lemon

    Still not feeling super great, hoping it goes away soon. Exhausted as usual. Ran out of zofran while we were in Seattle so hoping I keep up the puking just once a day, or stop all together. I'm finally starting to show a little more instead of just looking flabby.

    Upcoming appointments/ultrasounds?
    Meeting a different midwife from the office on the first, we will get to here tater tot again hopefully.

    GTKY: Nothing really. Some days even the thought of eating makes me gag. I did crave fruit for a little bit but, that's gone now :(

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    How many weeks are you/comparable fruit?
    16 weeks/avocado

    I am so ridiculously tired lately. I am not sleeping well at all.

    Upcoming appointments or ultrasounds?
    Next appt. is February 2nd. Anatomy scan should be soon after.

    GTKY what is your biggest craving?
    I haven't eaten at Taco Bell for over 6 years, but I want supreme tacos every day. Haven't given in yet bc I'm scared I'll have no self control once I do. Now I want tuna and greek and eggs benedict. Ha. Thanks ladies.
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    Still nauseous and throwing up a little but medicine helps (finally)! Also restless leg syndrome at night. It's the worst. Rave: we get to go on our first family road trip in a week and a half up to Illinois to see my family. DH hasn't had a vacation in years.

    Upcoming appointments or ultrasounds?
    Feb 25th is anatomy scan!

    GTKY what is your biggest craving?
    Any sort of take out. Panda Express. Olive Garden. (Salads have been so good lately!)
    H. Foxe born October 22, 2013
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    How many weeks are you/comparable fruit?
    Rant- this weekend has been a complete nightmare. I'm so upset with DH it isn't funny
    Upcoming appointments or ultrasounds?
    Next is 16 week on Feb. 15
    GTKY what is your biggest craving
    No real cravings here. None while pregnant with DD either though.
    July BMB 2016 July siggy challenge

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    How many weeks are you/comparable fruit? 17/onion

    Symptoms/rants/raves: I have crazy allergies because I went to my sisters house and the cedar is awful.

    Upcoming appointments or ultrasounds? My next appointment and anatomy scan is Feb 16

    GTKY what is your biggest craving?

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    How many weeks are you/comparable fruit? 14 weeks/Lemon

    Symptoms/rants/raves: I have had such terrible congestion since right after I got my BFP, and I'm sick of it! I just want to breathe comfortably...and I'm sure DH could so without all the snoring.

    Upcoming appointments or ultrasounds? 16 week check up on Feb. 9th, but I think I'm going to set up a gender reveal US for sometime next week. I can't wait 7 more weeks to find out if it's a boy or girl!

    GTKY what is your biggest craving: cake and ice cream. I want a big slice of cake with buttercream frosting in a bowl with ice cream so I can mash them together and eat to my heart's content. I have been thinking about this for weeks, but haven't indulged yet - DS birthday party is in two weeks, then it's ON.
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    How many weeks are you/comparable fruit? 13 weeks/ peach

    Symptoms/rants/raves: bit of everything. Morning sickness comes and goes, headaches, round ligament pain, back/neck pain, bowel issues, sore boobs, cranky. I have it all.

    Upcoming appointments or ultrasounds? Just had my nt scan :) I was worried because last pregnancy the scan picked up an issue that resulted in my son's passing. Everything was all good. Next scan in 4 weeks time to completely clear bub of the condition.

    Tried to get a referral to the hospital's maternity unit, but I don't have a regular gp so just go to whoever's avaliable. Dr today got pissy and then noticed that I hadn't had the bloods done that maternity need so I got those and now have to go back to get the referral.

    GTKY what is your biggest craving (I'm running out of GTKYs haha) I'm liking spicy foods atm which is odd for me. Also mexican and pizza. Basically nothing healthy. Gar.

    Little boy due July 31st 2016

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    How many weeks are you/comparable fruit? 14 weeks, they say that's a lemon?

    Symptoms/rants/raves: still doing pretty well! So odd how different this pregnancy is from my last. Like, totally different. Flat boobs without tenderness, no fatigue, much less hormonally emotional, huge belly already. This had better not be a boy!! I started getting the wonky pelvis at 8 weeks, too, and that is still a thing. So relieved to be in second tri now. MS is gone, Life is good.

    Upcoming appointments or ultrasounds? We decided we will get an ultrasound on my DDs first birthday, to find out the sex! On March 2nd, we will be 19 +3, I think.

    GTKY what is your biggest craving
    I am usually a minimal carb high protein eater, and that is out the door. I have been craving rice and noodles. Doing a good job of avoiding bread, still, which is good - because bread HATES me.
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    I don't think I saw this started yet, so for those starting a new week on Sunday:

    How many weeks are you/comparable fruit? 13, peach

    Symptoms/rants/raves: Insomnia...fall asleep fine but up a few hours later to pee than toss and turn.. throw up occasionally at night typically after my fav ice cream

    Upcoming appointments or ultrasounds? apt in a couple weeks

    GTKY what is your biggest craving (I'm running out of GTKYs haha)
    OJ, fruit, chips- dill pickle esp.  cant do dairy or spicy-my favs:(
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