I definitely think it's cute. If I had that those would be hard fast rules. When I first told family I was pregnant I had all these offers from people to come to the house to help after baby. And literally every single one of them has backed out by month 5. I'd be like "see the sign??! Get to cleaning or being me stuff crust pizza! Then you can see the cuteness"
This probably says a lot about my personality, but it would drive me nuts to have someone come in and clean my house. It's taken me eight years to trust my husband with the laundry.
I have the opposite worry: I live an hour from my friends and family, and I worry that people won't make the effort at all to see me or the baby. I commute almost every day back to my old city for work, so people rarely come visit us here as it is.
While I think it's a little more blunt than polite, I don't disagree with the sentiment. And I think it depends on the visitor. when my coworkers/casual friends come to visit, I'll just be glad for the company. But they better not expect me to cook or serve them. For closer friends/family, I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for help - I loved it when people showed up with meals for the freezer. I'm also a little bit of a control freak when it comes to how things are done around the house, but during those early days I didn't even care if my MIL folded my laundry wrong or put the dishes away in the wrong place. Good visitors will do this anyway. My father and stepmom were clueless and did nothing to help with anything, expected to be treated as guests, and their visits were always so stressful.
ETA- I know the difference between their/they're, I swear I do!!!
Haha I already posted this on my FB page. I never actually like to ask for help so can't hurt to put it into people's brains now
But honestly, if this is anything like after I had my first, I'll just be desperate for (non-baby) human contact and for someone to hold the baby so I can go shower or poop. Come, visitors! Save me!
I have a huge extended family, so since there is no way I'd want to host a big party for them all after giving birth, I'll probably post something similar to this on FB ;-)
I think it's different for a quick visit (~1hr or so) vs family staying for longer. If you wanna be around longer, help me out! If people want to come at a pre-arranged time for a quick hello I think that's different
My friends would come over during the day after I had my girls. I had 3 lb preemie twins in October so it was a long winter of not going anywhere. They were always awesome and would hold and watch babies so I could shower or throw some laundry into the machine etc. Plus I loved the coffee and chat time too!
Re: I think I'm going to use this
I have the opposite worry: I live an hour from my friends and family, and I worry that people won't make the effort at all to see me or the baby. I commute almost every day back to my old city for work, so people rarely come visit us here as it is.
Triplets due 6/29/16 also from an IUI!
ETA- I know the difference between their/they're, I swear I do!!!
But honestly, if this is anything like after I had my first, I'll just be desperate for (non-baby) human contact and for someone to hold the baby so I can go shower or poop. Come, visitors! Save me!