July 2016 Moms

GTKY: Ridiculous "Rules" for Pregnant Women.

What's the most absurd thing someone has told you that you can't do since becoming pregnant?

Examples: Walk up stairs, shovel snow, snorkel, travel, drive etc

Give us your most ridiculous examples.

Snow Storm Jonas is making me want to bang my head on the wall and June 2016 has a similar thread that is so funny. I need some laughter tonight!

Re: GTKY: Ridiculous "Rules" for Pregnant Women.

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    My neighbors would not let me shovel today. I cannot move any type of furniture, nor lift heavy grocery bags and I told my husband I don't like bending over to pick things up so I make him do it. :) but for real it's uncomfortable bending over. I can only imagine what it will be like with a bigger belly.
    Married: August 2012
    TTC #1: July 2015
    BFP 1: October 30, 2015; EDD: July 6, 2016- Team Pink
    TTC #2: September 2019

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    My baby is going to come out weird because I dye my hair.

    Me: 30, DH: 31

    Married: May 16th 2015

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    IAmPregnant Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Oh yea I have been told many many times not to pick up my kids.
    Wife. Boy mom x6. Expecting #7. Wannabe homesteader.
    , 💙💙💙💙💙💙
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    @marowan I would just go with that one haha. Sorry husband you're stuck with the vacuum for then next 5 months !
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    HMcDade1 said:

    @marowan I would just go with that one haha. Sorry husband you're stuck with the vacuum for then next 5 months !

    Yeah, I didn't question it too hard!
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    I've been told not to get on step ladders too, and the other day my boss asked me if I needed "accommodations" when I was dusting off some of the shelves in the classroom. I mean, I don't love dusting but I'm also perfectly capable despite being pregnant. 

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    PinkLady2015PinkLady2015 member
    edited January 2016
    Don't get my heartbeat above 140 bpm... From a nurse (I was doing intense workout pre-pregnancy so am used to high intensity, tho I have scaled it down)

    SIL told me I couldnt eat the ham sandwich I was about to dig into.

    Friend grabbed the plate of sushi from me the other nite- it was a shrimp tempura roll.

    Aunt-in-law said NO caffeine. I told her I was having -200mg as played by my physician.

    PT said don't do squats because of relaxin. Ummm, no, I'll be spending the next 6 months squatting, lunging and anything else to strengthen the hell outta my pelvic floor and core. Imma be a pushin machine. Also no hip openers bc I'm more flexible than usual... Also a hard no... I've been practicing yoga for 6 years bro.

    That's about all... Although only close family knows that I'm pregnant so I've been able to avoid unsolicited advice from randos at work...
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    I was told NO sex or exercise AT ALL for the entire first trimester. My husband looked like he was going to pass out. Luckily my midwife said that was not necessary at all, whew.

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    @hannahmp This made me ragey. Pre pregnancy I had a nurse tell me if I continued to stay on my prescription anti-inflammatory for migraines I would go into organ failure. Freaked out I asked my doctor as soon as she came in. She was like uh no, I wouldn't knowingly let you risk going into organ failure. Sometimes health professionals are no smarter (or even dumber) than we are.
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    @shanparadiseThat is crazy. I generally don't like to contradict my doctor, but I really think this guy was dead wrong. Needless to say, I requested the other doctor in the practice for my next appointment!
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    My dad said not to lift my suitcase into my car and Not to lift my 2 year old. My doc said its fine.
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    The NP I saw at my first prenatal visit said I shouldn't lift anything heavier than 5 pounds. I just said, "my damn purse weighs 7!" And she told me to lighten the load or leave it at home. When I saw my OB later and asked her, she just rolled her eyes and said it was fine. 
    Me: 33  DH: 31
    Married: 8/9/2010
    3 Furbabies - Kumo, Mal, and Lynx!
    Started TTC August 2014
    BFP #1 - 12/16/14 EDD 8/22/15 - MMC and D&C 1/23/15
    BFP #2 - 7/10/15 EDD 3/20/16- chemical pregnancy, ended 7/16/15
    BFP #3 - 11/12/15 EDD 7/21/16 - wishing and hoping for a sticky little bean!

    July'16 BMB May Siggy Challenge - Star Wars:

    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker

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    Well, I'm either surrounded by extremely sensible, MYOB people, or I'm surrounded by people who aren't saying anything because they don't want to pick up my slack, but are silently judging me. 
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    I work at a really cool bar at a really famous place. I'm a waitress and I get yelled out daily for wearing my apron to tight and tying it in the front. I'm a horrible mom because I'm squishing my baby.
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    I have a male co-worker that thinks he knows everything. He told me that working at all the entire last month of my pregnancy is bad/harmful for the baby. He knows this bc he read it in an article somewhere. He also keeps asking me when I'm taking my maternity leave. I feel like screaming at him "when this baby falls out if my vagina, that's when!"

    I work an office job, sitting 90% of the time.
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    I get both sides:

    Neighbors who tell me I'm not allowed to be outside too long in the cold (despite my being properly dressed and only out there long enough to give my dogs time to stretch their legs). This happened tonight.

    People who tell me to not watch what I eat (I lost 180 pre pregnancy but I'm still 100lbs overweight. I'm not trying to lose, just be careful) and who are making eating healthy harder on purpose, and who continue to freaking insist I'm "eating for two."

    And then my aunt, who is my hairdresser, refusing to dye my hair.

    The other side of that are people who think my pregnancy is an excuse for everything from my not wanting to move a wardrobe that weighed as much as me, to not drinking. Do you know how many eye rolls I've gotten for refusing alcohol? It's infuriating.
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    @hannahmp we belong to a huge local running group and we have women running up til due date. Was at a event a few weeks ago and one girl had juat done a full the previous weekend. Maybe seek another opinion, cause unless you are having a complication, I was told as long as you were running before you can still run but dont train for a longer distance then what you normaly do and listen to your body. (I am not running at all this pregnancy I have SPD and my pelvis hurts to even walk alot)
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    My H told me to take off my pre-pregnancy jeans because I was "squishing his baby". They fit fine.
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    My boss freaks out every time she sees me squat to pick something up. If I can't squat and I can't bend is someone going to follow me around tying my shoes for me?
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    That I shouldn't pick up ds in his car seat. He's only 7 months, I usually just carry him but if he's sleeping I'm not gonna wake him up and take him out in the cold!
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    WevilleWeville member
    edited January 2016
    I think my boss is actually going to end up being the one to give me all my crazy advise. The other day she went on a coffee run for some of my managers so I suggested she grab one for me too. I was very sternly told me I can't have coffee. I pointed out I wanted decaf and was told that decaf is just as bad.

    Edited- I don't think some caffeine is bad. I'm just a coffee junkie so I'm trying to keep caffeinated coffee as an occasional treat
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    @Nerdchild haha! As long as my food doesn't actively start trying to evade my mouth, I think I got this whole eating thing down!
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    @nugget71116 I have both a treadmill (relatively large one, I might add) and piano (a small upright piano). No weight comparison, trust me. It's about the equivalent difference of trying to pick up a Newfoundland vs. Clydesdale. It took 4 huge guys to struggle to move my piano into my house.
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