3rd Trimester

FTM- baby items when to wash?

Background: FTM scheduled to deliver at 39+1 (leap day) however doctors think it's in my and baby's best interest to deliver at 37 weeks (valentines day week) because of complications. I've already put the travel system together, have the crib put together, bedding washed and put on crib, and I've installed just car seat base (my husband is clueless as to how so I did it myself, the actual infant seat is in the house).

My question is with 20 days give or take until Valentine's day and 30 something days til our scheduled d-date when would you wash bottles, nipples and pacifiers that type of stuff?

Re: FTM- baby items when to wash?

  • I sterilized all her bottles several weeks ahead of time, and just washed with soap and hot water right before first use. I think you are fine to go ahead and sterilize everything now.
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  • I would go ahead and sterilize! I didn't realize I needed to do those things, so was ill prepared when my LO was here and needed a bottle. Oops!
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  • cMichelle0423cMichelle0423 member
    edited January 2016
    It's never too early. Better to get it done and out of the way, than put it off and go into labor, only to come home to stuff that needs to be done. I'm usually done with everything (baby prepping) by 36 weeks at the latest. Usually earlier, but now I have a 3 year old and a 1 year old. So I don't get as much time as I did before lol
  • I'm waiting until after my baby shower so I can do everything in one go, but seeing as how you're so close to due date I'm sure your shower is already over and done with, so I would go ahead and sterilize!
  • edited January 2016
    I had no idea I had to sterilise everything

    I am so glad I read this as I only have 3 weeks left! Thanks guys. I learn something new everyday
  • I was going to sterilize my bottles now, due on the 25th, but the instruction manual says that they are only sterile for 24 hours. So I will wait. 
  • I washed all the clothes around 35-36 weeks. At the end of 37 weeks I sterilized the bottles and pacifiers that we have. Never too early to get things ready, I just wanted it to be done so they are ready to use.
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  • DD was early and we were not prepared. I also assumed we wouldn't need bottles. Luckily the hospital send us home with ready to feed formula, dozens of sterile nipples and dozens of snappies for breast milk storage and feeding. 
    My pedi told us that we really only needed to sterilize before first use so I think any time is fine. 
  • We sterilized our bottles early which was helpful because our boys surprised us at 35+2!


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