July 2016 Moms

Weekend B!tchfest 1-23

Have we started one yet for this week?


Re: Weekend B!tchfest 1-23

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    I have no motivation today. After being sick all week I just want to lay here and bask in my laziness. Also our "snow storm" turned into a few hours of non-accumulating snow. Not much of a bitch fest worthy post but meh oh well
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    edited January 2016
    This is going to be long but I have to put it somewhere because I won't be able to vent to anyone in person until tomorrow probably and I'm literally on the verge of sobbing and/or choking a bitch because I'm so frustrated and pissed off.

    One of my job duties is to coordinate trainings for various programs on campus. One particular training we do is always scheduled each semester, one in fall and one in spring, however a particular group on campus wanted to schedule a special session of this training early in the semester and just for their people and in their own building. The promise was that they would make sure the training was well attended (10-15 people), they would provide the space, and breakfast and lunch for trainees. All I would have to do was coordinate the speakers (at least 12) and help trainees know where to go and what the training entailed. 

    I almost cancelled earlier this week because my contacts weren't responding in a timely manner and didn't seem... dedicated but when we had several people register at the last minute, I decided to push forward. When I show up at 8am on a SATURDAY to coordinate the training, the building is locked, no one knows what I'm talking about, and the two people that were supposed to be my contacts for the group are both out of town. I managed to get into the building eventually but still... To make matters worse, I told the trainees food would be provided and the group FORGOT to provide the food. I couldn't do anything about breakfast but I bought lunch for these people out of my own pocket because I felt so terrible about it.

    Even better, out of the 10 people that were supposed to show, only 4 showed up. I'm so angry and embarrassed (because I feel like it looks bad on me that it's so disorganised even if it's really not my fault). It's taking everything I have to get through the rest of the training (about 2 hours without breaking down). Worst Saturday ever :(

    Edited because words are hard and for clarity.
    Me: 33  DH: 31
    Married: 8/9/2010
    3 Furbabies - Kumo, Mal, and Lynx!
    Started TTC August 2014
    BFP #1 - 12/16/14 EDD 8/22/15 - MMC and D&C 1/23/15
    BFP #2 - 7/10/15 EDD 3/20/16- chemical pregnancy, ended 7/16/15
    BFP #3 - 11/12/15 EDD 7/21/16 - wishing and hoping for a sticky little bean!

    July'16 BMB May Siggy Challenge - Star Wars:

    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker

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    @fleurdelakeview Ew. Those people suck. And FTR 8am is not coo.
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    @fleurdelakeview That sucks really badly... I'd be reeming these mother fuckers out in a not so diplomatic way. 
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    AAAG13AAAG13 member
    edited January 2016
    My bitch is that I had to deal with a student with lice yesterday because our nurse had already gone home for the day. I have been checked twice but can't help hallucinating an itch. Also I spent the majority of today doing homework for my graduate classes. 

    @Nerdchild  what exciting things were in your baby box? We haven't ordered anything yet but thinking next month we are ordering our crib. 

    @Lindsayleigh1989  I'm sorry your DH is being a real DH, however douche canoe made me laugh out loud. Hopefully your Saturday gets better!
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @fleurdelakeview That sucks! I hope you get reimbursed for the food. Make sure those contacts NEVER get their own training session again!
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    @Nerdchild what a great deal!
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    This stupid blizzard, paying $300 to sleep in a hotel up the street since the hospital has no hot water, walking 20 minutes in thigh high snow, and top it off with watching an ambo crew carry patients into the ER on stretchers from the restaurant across the street. Oh and I may have to stay another night even though I don't work because there's 3 feet at my house and my husband cant get out to get me.

    Bitch Storm Jonas for real.
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    @HMcDade1 I always feel awful for hospital and emergency personnel when we get snow storms like this.  I'm so sorry :-( 
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    It sucks. I attached a picture but it didn't load.
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    My dad eloped yesterday. I'm happy for him but sad I wasn't able to be a part of it. And now that family members are finding out and are hurt on my behalf it makes me feel worse. Damn pregnancy hormones. I've laid around the house eating, ordering baby things online, and I have watched three Quentin Tarantino movies. Now I want rice crispy treats.
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    @fleurdelakeview There is nothing worse than the actions of others making you look/feel like you've not done something right at your job.  I hope you give those guys a serious earful.  Do you have chocolate?  It's all that can be done when there is no wine allowed....
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    @AAAG13 We had a lice outbreak at school last year and it nearly killed me. My head itched for months, even though I never actually got lice.

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    @fleurdelakeview temporary insanity. NBD
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    Nerdchild said:

    @AAAG13 I ordered a baby gym (pictured below) 4 cribs sheets, 3 sleep sacks, 2 changing pads (they have inflatable edges, so I wanted a back up in case of popping), 3 changing pad covers, 3 travel changing pads, and a set of drawer organizers. All for a whopping $209 (including shipping). I love Ikea.

    How did you get that including shipping! I wanted to order our cribs and highchairs from IKEA and it was literally like $350 and another $400 in shipping!
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    @AAAG13 I'm now itchy just THINKING about this. I knew someone once that had such a bad lice infestation in their house that they had to tent the house and replace the carpet. *shudders*
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    @jlgriff11 I think because none of my things were considered heavy/bulky items? Everything came in a box about the size of a crib mattress, but I don't think the whole box weighed more than 12 lbs. I'm shocked they would try to charge you so much to ship furniture! Do you have an ikea near you where you could go pick everything up?
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    I would love if I could stop taking anti nausea medicine and NOT throw up... I would also like stupid people would go the hell away. I work in a jewelry store and was told that despite telling this moronic couple that while she had the lifetime metal warranty on her engagement ring, we couldn't fix the broken "cage" (for lack of a better term) because it's just something we can't do. Her husband flat out told me "she has the lifetime warranty so you need to check." Yes asshat, she has the warranty but IT DOES NO FUCKING GOOD when it's something our jewelers CAN'T fix! I wanted to punch him. Hard.
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    @elenabrent this is the second outbreak we have had this year! I work at an all girls school and the girls are required to keep their hair pulled back but it still happens too often. Both times I have been the one to catch the infestation. Last year my SIL (who is a terrible mother) sent her 5 yr old to our house to stay over spring break. When I was brushing her hair post bath I caught the infestation in her head and freaked out. I took her home and treated myself and my home. Her mom wasn't surprised she had it, actually she was pissed I brought her home early. Ever since then I can spot the bugs from a mile away.
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    My dearest toddler. He has decided that he won't sleep through the night while we are on vacation. Usually DH and I take turns with who has to deal with the child but he isn't here. I am so tired!!
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    My lower back is being a bitch. Even after a 90 min yoga session it still aches when I stand.

    I'm also not looking forward to my dentist appointment tomorrow since I still gag everytime I try and brush my back molars. I know they will bitch.
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    @dolewhipper I haven't flossed since November because flossing made me throw up. I really need to start again but my "days since puking" number is looking promising and I don't want to test fate.

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    This is more of a bitch move than a bitch, we played outside today and it was great!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    I am sick of blizzard2016. Schools are closed Monday and Tues, and the roads aren't all clear yet, so here come another few days of cabin fever.

    We are having our share of fun together, don't get me wrong, but I am ready for our routine again. And something besides these four walls or playing in snow.

    But when DD sleeps we binge Homeland, so that has been pretty extraordinary...
    DD1: Born January 2013
    DD2: Due July 12, 2016
    Two rescue dogs 

    BabyFruit Ticker

    July 2016 - July Siggy: Weird Hot Dog Situations
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    My complaint today was having to work. I basically failed at adulting. I wore a super cute sweater, jeans and moto boots but it ended up being one million degrees inside so I way overheated and bought a new outfit. Then (I imagine partially because I got too hot) my feet swelled up and became outrageously uncomfortable (as did my back). About the point I was in tears I went and bought new running shoes. To celebrate all the money I didn't plan on spending I didn't eat my healthy snacks, I ate chocolate cake and Tom Yum soup. I'm so glad to be home
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    I had a 16 sneak peak scan, and I told my close friends and family. I got about 3 different "its probably wrong be careful" responses. I googled the chances of that happening and now I am freaking myself out. Wtf? Why tell me that. :( Now I will be afraid to buy anything.
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    Here's my bitchfest for the weekend. We live next door to a vacation rental house, and this older couple has rented it for a few months. Their yard shares a chain link fence with our yard, so when their dog is out at the same time as ours they all three bark at each other like mad in a desperate attempt to get through the fence and meet. In the weeks since they came I've been late to work more than is acceptable because I'll put the dogs out and then they will IMMEDIATELY put their dogs out. Tonight I was getting ready to go upstairs for the night so I wanted to let the dogs out one more time. I checked to make sure their dog wasn't out and let my dogs out. Within maybe 10 seconds of me opening the back door they let their dog out. I mean, for crying out loud. I had to chase them around throughout the dark back yard in the freezing cold for twenty minutes, and I stepped in dog shit. I'm ready for these people to go back to wherever they came from.

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    @ninji15 depends on the tech, however no ultrasound is 100%. Did you see what the tech saw to determine girl? My DD was obvious at 16 weeks last time (and correct), and this time it was definitely a boy!
    My tech also viewed from 3 different angles to show us how that it wasn't the cord or something
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    I reinjured a disc in my back a few weeks ago and it's still bothering me. I'm worried about delivery and epidurals now. :frowning: Also very tired of being so tired. This pregnancy is kicking my butt.
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    I reinjured a disc in my back a few weeks ago and it's still bothering me. I'm worried about delivery and epidurals now. :frowning: Also very tired of being so tired. This pregnancy is kicking my butt.

    Oh no sorry to hear that. Have you talked to your dr about epidurals and your injury? I know epidurals can go in a few spots depending how numb you want to be so even if it is in the same spot they may be able to go around it.

    I'm with you on feeling exhausted though pregnancy is tiring!
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

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    @SparkySunshine I didn't see anything that would indicate boy, and there were 3 what looked like dots to me. She tried different angles but my baby was being stubborn. Lol I am going to just wait out til my anatomy scan I guess to get the second opinion. It just looks like from what I read the boys can sometimes be really shy! I don't want to have to make a ton of returns, but I am so excited to start shopping a little!
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    This one goes to my skin. It is so freaking dry I want to rip my skin off. I have put of three layers of lotion and I still feel dry. I'm using coco butter lotion. I'm hoping it's just this winter weather that is causing this and this will not last the whole pregnancy.
    Married: August 2012
    TTC #1: July 2015
    BFP 1: October 30, 2015; EDD: July 6, 2016- Team Pink
    TTC #2: September 2019

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