I found out last night that my husband and one of my best friends have been working together to plan a surprise baby shower for me..(I saw text messages between them). I don't know when.. I'm assuming within the next couple of weeks because I am due in three weeks.. WITH MY THIRD baby. Another girl.. I had a girl less than three years ago.
And I don't think we're talking a "sprinkle" here.. there was mention of a menu and what seemed like a lot of invitees.. like more than my closest friends.
It looks like my husband initially texted my friend asking for her help.. and then started going from there.
I may have silently screamed no no no NONONONONONONOOO!!
1. We don't need anything.. we've actually already bought like 3/5 of the big things we do need-- carseat, play yard, rock n play
2. I don't want to be the center of attention.
3. This just screams greed and gift grabbing to me.. and I am really mortified that all of these people are being asked to come to a party for me and give me presents.
Seriously, the thought of having a shower have never even crossed my mind. I don't have any public registries. Nobody knows that I know yet... is there any way to get out of this, and should I try? I mean I appreciate the thought... sort of-- I really wish my husband.. or anyone for that matter, would have asked me first..Or do I just suck it up and act surprised (and look like a greedy gift grabby jerk?)
Mom to Benjamin 6/2011 and Lena 5/2013; baby 3 on the way
Re: found out about surprise shower.. mortified
LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:
Mom to Benjamin 6/2011 and Lena 5/2013; baby 3 on the way