September 2015 Moms

Post C-Section Back Pain?

I'm 18 weeks out from my csection, and I'm having some terrible upper back pain. I did have an epidural before the csection, but the pain is not in my lower back. It starts at the middle of my spine and just aches through my shoulder blades and upper back.

I initially thought it was from sitting up with LO in bed at night during feedings while I pumped, but he's sleeping through the night mostly, so that can't be it. It's mostly painful at night after I've had a busy day at work and stood for most of the day.

Is this normal? Anyone have some home remedies?

If I decide to go to the doctor about it, what kind of doctor do I see??

Re: Post C-Section Back Pain?

  • I do and it sucks. I brought it up to my OB and he said its from lifting the baby and not from the epidural so I really don't know. A lot of women have told me they had pain after their epidurals too. Not much help but you're not alone
  • I saw a physical therapist for middle back pain that carried up into my neck/shoulders recently (I also had a c-section and epidural, too)... Anyway, my pain was from some ribs that had come out of alignment from all the baby carrying, lifting etc. She worked with me to get back in alignment and I'm fine now.
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  • I have the same problem! I had an epidural and c-section as well and I have had the pain since two weeks after giving birth. I never told my doctor about it because I heard you get back pains from epidurals.
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