@Bootsie81 I would have posted a pic but we don't have a bumbo! This isn't really an animal but it's a stuffed Mario we use for Zeke's monthly pictures
I'll still say show me a bald baby for @MargaretC5 but I had to share this pic of Rhys with his great grand parents this weekend; it's one I'll cherish forever!!
I know I missed the baby with a friend but I had to share! Our parents were best friends, we are best friends, and now our babies are best friends. Bailynn 6 months, Elliot 2 months
Wish I could post the video, he really got to jumping in this thing all 4 of my boys have loved this jumper! (He was to busy staring at his brother to look at me)
Re: ?!? Show me a baby ?!?! (game)
show me a baby with their grandpa!
Show me a baby in a hoodie!
Only 1 day old.
Show me a bald baby.
She didn't like that her aunt made her wear reindeer ears!
Show me a baby accidentally giving the bird
Show me a baby in a bear suit!
Does a bear towel count?
Show me a baby in a carrier or wrap!
She loves her shopping trips in the carrier!
Show me a baby laughing
Show me a baby laughing! (I wish mine laughed!!)
Laughing in a carrier. (Bonus points?) show me a baby with his hands up.
He was so itty bitty here!
Show me a baby "sitting up"
Show me a baby in their swing
Show me a baby who's going for a walk in his/her stroller!
Show me a baby with his great grandparents
Show me baby's reaction to the big snow storm!
ETA show me a baby sucking their thumb. Mine never stops!
Show me a baby with his/her baby friend!
show me a baby in blue!
show me a baby wearing shoes!
Eris at 3 weeks old with shoes!
Show me a baby with a cat! (or a fur brother/sister)
Show me Daddy and baby selfie
Show me a baby with a dog!
Show me a baby munching on a teething toy.
Show me a baby in his/her crib!
show me a baby in a crib!
Wish I could post the video, he really got to jumping in this thing all 4 of my boys have loved this jumper! (He was to busy staring at his brother to look at me)
show me a baby with crossed eyes
Bath the time is the most fun lol
show me a baby with a cute hat on
One actual hat and one helmet, cause it's just too cute.
Show me a baby in overalls!