July 2016 Moms


Is it safe to eat sushi while pregnant? I usually get the crab which is cooked but I'm not sure about cross contamination. Is it safe to eat raw sushi as well?

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    chels0120chels0120 member
    Answer ✓
    Most OBs will say no to be on the safe side. However if it's cooked usually no biggie. I had it a few times with my son and have been craving it like mad lately so I'm sure I'll eat a few rolls during this pregnancy as well :)

Re: Sushi

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    Most Drs will tell you not to eat raw sushi.

    My advice: talk to your own dr
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    stillcozystillcozy member
    edited January 2016
    Smh... Please use the search function!
    Eta: cooked is usually the most reccomended
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

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    Well excuse me! I don't usually use this app and don't know all the functions.
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    Understand when this question gets asked a lot it gets a little old. And I did answer your question
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

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    Thanks chels! I've been craving it as well and forgot to ask my Dr. at my last appointment. I really need to start writing things down! Lol
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    So most recommendations advise to not eat raw sushi because of the possibility of food poisoning... Some of which could make you sick, some of which can pass through the placenta and cause baby harm. It is something you can and should talk about with your doctor to see what they advise. Some are okay with any and all kinds of sushia if it's from a reputable place. Others will advise to only eat the cooked sushi. Others will say no way no how because of the possibility of cross contamination. It's a personal decision at the end of the day and what you're comfortable with. Some choose to abstain all together, some say fuck it and eat it, especially if they know and are comfortable with a restaurant they trust. That's about the best answer... some types are better to eat than others... Tuna for instance could have higher concentrations of mercury which is a different issue entirely. You're most likely safe with crab and anything tempura since its fried.
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    @PinkLady2015 Actually I would stay away from the crab. It's actually NOT crab and it is colored and made to have that kind of texture. It is actually fish too. 

    I think just stick with eel since it is cook and tempura as well.
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    PinkLady2015 I heard that the food poisoning can't cross thru to the baby, so if you do get sick, it's just you feeling horrible? Am I wrong? Do you know which types cross?

    Personally OP, I will do the shrimp tempura and cooked (real) crab. However I will only eat it from 2 restaurants in town who are fancy sushi places. 
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    If it looks like this, don't eat it.

    This why I don't eat sushi... Nightmares
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

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    If it looks like this, don't eat it.
    Talk about fresh fish! lol
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Is it wierd that I want to eat that live octopus sushi in Japan?
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    If it looks like this, don't eat it.

    This why I don't eat sushi... Nightmares

    Hehe...I once had lobster sashimi (in my non pregnancy days) that looked somewhat similar to this. They basically chopped the thing in half and served it on a plate and called it lobster sashimi! The lobster was staring at me (still moving and all) while I was eating him....yummy! Needless to say, that was my first and last experience.
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    Did you ladies not see my gender u/s post, that is exactly what happens when you eat raw sushi. 

    Me: 30, DH: 31

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    Is it wierd that I want to eat that live octopus sushi in Japan?
    I can't do it only because they said that there is a possibility it latches onto your throat and you can choke for a bit. I don't know if its 100% true so don't quote me on it haha.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    chanfa said:

    Is it wierd that I want to eat that live octopus sushi in Japan?

    I can't do it only because they said that there is a possibility it latches onto your throat and you can choke for a bit. I don't know if its 100% true so don't quote me on it haha.

    Ew. That doesn't sound very pleasant.
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    mnkenned said:
    I read up on this because I love sushi. The two main reasons that it's not recommended are 1) Mercury content and 2) parasites/bacteria in raw fish. In the US, the FDA requires that all fish to be served as sushi be flash frozen, which kills the parasites and bacteria. I interpreted this as: don't eat fish high in Mercury, cooked sushi is fine (avoid smoked), and I do eat raw sushi in moderation from my restaurant that I trust. Keep in mind, this is the decision I came to for myself and you should definitely discuss this with your own doctor.
    Agreed, do what you are comfortable with!
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    its my understanding that there are risks involved with raw sushi including ecoli, salmonella and the dreaded listeria. All three can cause issues with pregnancy and can cause harm to baby. Again, use your discretion and decide what you're comfortable with...
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    I dont eat sushi. I wish I did, damn seafood allergies.
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    The "I ate it and was fine" argument doesn't work, because you are talking about a specific fish at a specific restaurant on a specific day. That doesn't mean that ALL fish (or deli meat/soft cheese/sprouts/egg yolk) eaten at ALL restaurants ALL the days are safe. Yes, use your best discretion, but if you generally get your sashimi from the Save A Lot you might want to take a break until this baby is born. Plus, even nice restaurants can have outbreaks of food borne illness, which is why the rule is generally no. 

    I would think what is more important would be worrying about high mercury levels in some varieties of fish vs. worrying about parasites or food-borne illnesses. Many food-borne illnesses can be traced to a wide variety of foods, including contaminated raw fruits and vegetables, which most people don't recommend trying to avoid while pregnant. Today there was a huge trader joes recall on cashews due to contamination with Salmonella for example. It's my personal opinion and that of my doc's that the nutritional benefits of eating (low Mercury) fish, cooked or not, outweighs the small potential risk of food-borne illness.
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    I had sushi last week, it was awesome
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    elenabrentelenabrent member
    edited January 2016
    rnyland1 said:
    The "I ate it and was fine" argument doesn't work, because you are talking about a specific fish at a specific restaurant on a specific day. That doesn't mean that ALL fish (or deli meat/soft cheese/sprouts/egg yolk) eaten at ALL restaurants ALL the days are safe. Yes, use your best discretion, but if you generally get your sashimi from the Save A Lot you might want to take a break until this baby is born. Plus, even nice restaurants can have outbreaks of food borne illness, which is why the rule is generally no. 
    I would think what is more important would be worrying about high mercury levels in some varieties of fish vs. worrying about parasites or food-borne illnesses. Many food-borne illnesses can be traced to a wide variety of foods, including contaminated raw fruits and vegetables, which most people don't recommend trying to avoid while pregnant. Today there was a huge trader joes recall on cashews due to contamination with Salmonella for example. It's my personal opinion and that of my doc's that the nutritional benefits of eating (low Mercury) fish, cooked or not, outweighs the small potential risk of food-borne illness.
    Mercury in some fish is another reason to avoid those fish, but does not outweigh or eliminate the concern of food borne illness. My point was the "I ate it and I was fine" argument doesn't apply because we all live in different places and are eating foods prepared at different restaurants at different times. If that comment was in reference to Mercury levels, then it's a different kind of risk. Like the one person we all know who got shit housed on tequila when they were pregnant and their baby is totes fine so whatever have a margarita. The "personal experience" argument for all of the no-list foods aren't relevant, because every body/pregnancy/situation is different. 

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    I've eaten it throughout all my pregnancies. As long as your not eating at some sketchy place, you should be fine. And yes, lean towards the cooked type. Also, your body will usually tell you if something is off.
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    I had sushi three days in a row the other week. It was awesome, I was swimming in wasabi. I only go to places I have gone to before and know how they prepare their food.
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    I thought this was an interesting article on the topic


    especially this part:  "According to the National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine, most seafood-related illnesses are due to shellfish—not fish. The risk of falling ill from seafood other than shellfish is 1 in 2 million compared to 1 in 25,000 from chicken."
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    I miss sushi so much!!!!
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    I miss sushi so much!!!!

    Just to add my own, eat the sushi if you want it. Obviously make smart choices and don't buy it at a gas station or something. 

    On a separate note, I asked our pedi if DD (2 years old) can have sushi and she said absolutely. Just in case anyone is wondering :wink: 
    July '16 May Siggy Challenge 

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    Me: 29
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