I know there has been a thousand breast feeding posts but ugh....I'm finally throwing in the towel. My original goal was six months, but we've been supplementing since three months. Due to a huge drop in supply (12-13 oz a day pumping plus all night feedings down to maybe 4 oz on a good day), needing to get back on my meds for an autoimmune condition, and pumping becoming more and more difficult to do at work, I've decided Friday is my last day of breastfeeding (my daughter will be exactly four months). I know that formula is fine, and I've come farther than many, and all other variations of the "it's ok not to breastfeed" talk, but I'm really just heartbroken. I feel like I fought so hard to get the hang of it and finally get comfortable with it just to have my body totally screw me and not let me do it anymore. Like I'm literally producing enough milk that I'm pretty sure I can just stop cold turkey, no weaning required. My daughter is happy and thriving, and I know that is the most important part. I just can't get past being forced into this decision. I also feel guilty at the relief of it; I'm almost relieved because it will make life so much easier. And then I feel like a huge jerk bag for saying that! It doesn't help that all my momma friends are basically just walking, talking dairy farms :-/ Sorry to rant ladies; just need to vent to people who understand! My DH doesn't get it, neither does my mom, who only breastfed me for 6 weeks. Everyone close to me either never breastfed or had a huge supply, so I can't really relate to either!!! I guess this is just me letting it go
Re: A proper goodbye to BF
I lasted 3 months with my first, she actually did better with formula because there were no feeding issues or frustrations.
And it will free up time, more time to snuggle and play with baby plus no stress about supply worries.