I know I'm beating a horse that's been dead for weeks but I need reassurance. i feel like I am drowning in a sleepless sea of baby. LO is about to be 5 months old/20 weeks and we're going on week 6 of sleep issues. Every time I think it's getting better he takes 2 steps back. He slept from 11pm to 4am about a week ago and I thought we were on the right track.. No such luck. I'm sleeping in 2 to 3 hour increments and I'm so exhausted that I'm just kind of doing whatever I can to get sleep and I am sure I'm just setting up bad habits or making the problem worse.
You guys.. Please tell me I'm not alone and that it gets better. I feel like an absolute zombie at this point.
Re: Sleep regression.. Need reassurance
My advice is to forget all else and just work on bedtime. If you are able to teach LO how to comfortably fall asleep by himself the rest will fall into place. Sleep the first year seemed so endless and frustrating, I felt like I was doing everything wrong and constantly searched for solutions to this or that problem. I know it doesn't help while in the middle and I used to hate when people would tell me this but it really is fleeting. Looking back it seems so short and no in the midst with DS2 I still feel that it is passing quickly. Sometimes we have a weird night and he refuses to go back down easily (last night!) and I feel the same frustration but overall it just becomes part of life.
One thing I felt that really helped was that DH would take one whole night rather than a feed here or there. A full night's sleep refreshed me more than an extra hour a few nights a week.
Working on getting some naps during the day in the swing and shooting for an earlier bedtime so he can get some rest. He seems tired and withdrawn during the day. I miss my smiley boy and hope he's back soon! Hang in there mommas. We will sleep one day!
My LO was a good sleeper until he hit 3 months, then everythings gone to crap and a month later there's no improvement. I was praying that we hit the 4 month regression early at 3 months but nope. I think it was a combination of holidays, learning to roll, getting sick, etc. He seemed tired but unable to sleep. Now that he's almost four months he hasbt more than an hour, all week. And it takes an hour or more and multiple tries setting him down to get him to go back to sleep. So now I think this is the real deal. And he's often just awake. Wide awake. And impossible to set down once I get him to sleep.
Before I had him people often said to me that the 1st 3 months is the hardest and it gets easier once you make it through them. But honestly I've found things so much harder from about the time he turned 3 months and I get considerably less sleep. So I think I'm even more frustrated because of all these expectations I had built up. I'm starting to change those and I think it's helping and I thank @ElleMF728 for always providing a real account of what sleep can be in the first year.
Thanks for giving me a place to vent. Sorry you're dealing with this too!
This baby has been a better sleeper anyway, but I think that's partly from me knowing more this time around. She's 18w, and after a month (travelling, sickness and regression) we're just getting back to crib naps and a 6h stretch at night (still cosleeping, going to try the crib again tomorrow when DH starts his night shifts). She's reorganized her day too, longer wake times, more predictable napping.
Anyways, hang in there ladies! I thought for sure it was never going to end too!
It does get better. And then it'll go back to be shitty again for a while. And then back to good! Hang in there. During delivery I kept saying to myself "you can and you will do this," and I think that applies to these hard nights, too.
I know it doesn't last forever it would just be much easier if I knew when it was going to end you know? We'll get there!
Exact same problems. Let me ease your mind, crib & rice cereal have not helped us. It is so frustrating. Mine was sleeping thru the night even only woke once when she, too, was popping out her 2 teeth. It almost makes it worse they were such good sleepers