July 2016 Moms

Pubic bone hurting and constant urge to pee?

Ok so for the past week or so I've been having these 2 symptoms and they are really exhausting. :(
I have the CONSTANT urge to pee. I wake up 3-4 times a night to go pee and during the day it's not so bad when I'm sitting down but as soon as I stand up it feels like my bladder is going to explode. When I go and sit on the toilet only a little comes out- probably enough to fill a shot glass? It doesn't burn when I pee.. I went saw the doctor yesterday and they tested my urine and said I don't have a UTI.

Also- it almost feels like my pubic bone is stretching or bruised? When I lift my legs or stand up it just feels like a major heaviness in my pubic area.

Anyone else having these symptoms? If this is all normal at 15 weeks I don't even wanna imagine what it's gonna be like when I'm further along!!

Re: Pubic bone hurting and constant urge to pee?

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    I don't just pelvic pain check out the symptoms thread to see if anyone else listed it there
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    Try looking up pelvic girdle pain and SPD (symphysis pubic dysfunction) and see if any of that fits what you're feeling. Obviously keep in mind that Dr.Google could be way off but I don't think it hurts to do a little research.
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    I have def. had pubic bone pain now and then. Almost feels like its bruised, that sort of an ache.
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    jlgriff11jlgriff11 member
    edited January 2016
    I had a pelvic bone felt bruised and it was terrible. Lasted a week or so. As for peeing, I get that a lot. And if you live somewhere cold it can make it worse as cold makes you feel like you have to pee.
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    I had those symptoms - and for me it was an otherwise asymptomatic UTI. If your appt is far away you may want to call for a check.
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