3rd Trimester

Yeast infections, anybody have them throughout pregnancy?

I know I've read and have been told it's common, but I've had a yeast infection this entire pregnancy (I'm 36wks). Even the only prescription medicine dr has given me is starting to not work. Anybody have advice on things that have helped?? I'm taking probiotics every day for about two months now, eat my fair share of Greek yogurt, is there anything else that had worked for you guys?
Thanks for the help :-)

Re: Yeast infections, anybody have them throughout pregnancy?

  • Is it just alot of discharge or itching and burning too? Is the Dr actually testing you for infection or just calling your meds in?
  • Yes. I've managed to control it by good hygiene, sleeping sans underwear, and wearing cotton only underwear. Also, make sure after a shower all is very dry before getting dressed. I've also noticed eating less sugary foods keeps it under control better than medication.
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  • Yes. I've managed to control it by good hygiene, sleeping sans underwear, and wearing cotton only underwear. Also, make sure after a shower all is very dry before getting dressed. I've also noticed eating less sugary foods keeps it under control better than medication.
    ^^ This. At my 10 week exam they said I had a minor one and it is common but have not said anything after that. I'm assuming it went away on its own. 
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  • I had one and it was miserable- I can't imagine having it for 9 months....
  • I constantly had them when I was pregnant with my 2nd baby. My doctor said it just happens to some women. I haven't had any with my 3Rd, 4the and now 5the pregnancies. But I know how frustrating it is.
  • I have had several throughout this pregnancy, never with any other pregnancies. I'm not sure what's going on. Try taking an over the counter probiotic and upping any ypgurt intake. I just treat them when I get them, but it sucks.
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  • Dirty lurker here - but I had these chronically my whole life and the only thing that made them completely go away and not come back was eating paleo (mostly the no grains no dairy part).  Sugar is in SO much of the food we eat.  Even the milk that is sold at most places has added sugar.  If your diet is only meat, veggies, a small amount of organic fruit, nuts, and seeds you will be putting hardly any sugar into your body.  If you put no sugar in your body you will stop getting yeast infections.  I hope you feel better soon!
  • Thanks so much for the input everyone :-)
    It does seem like I'm just gonna be sick with them cuz I've also never had a yeast infection every before being pregnant. My dr does a swab test every time I tell her I think I might have one and always, no fail, they keep coming back.
  • @aaw1087 lurker here**this is super tmi but i found if you put really good quality plain greek yogurt in and around the vagina it will resolve an infection in about 7 days. You can put it on at night with a panty liner and wash it off in the morning. Ideally use it a couple of times a day, not just at night, if your comfortable with it. You can also cover a tampon in yogurt and insert it for an hour or so as part of the treatment. It takes a full week for this to work. People who don't have success with the medication can sometimes get success with this treatment. Not everyone will be comfortable doing this!
  • I don't think it's a good idea at all to be putting tampons in during preg :neutral:
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