My fiancee & I find out the gender, hopefully, on the 28th of this month. We both want a boy, so we've been trying to pick out names but we have a dilema. He wants to name our son after his father, Robin. I strongly dislike this name for a boy, but I compromised with him & said it could be a middle name, the only problem is we can't find a first name to go with it. The baby's last name will be Fegan, so any suggestions will be greatly appreciated! We've thrown around the name Easton, but I'm not sure it sounds right. Thanks in advance
Re: Boy names to go with MN Robin?
Are there other names than Easton you like? You can pop them in name matchmaker for a list of potentials.
Joseph Robin
Kenneth Robin
Lawrence Robin
Tucker Robin
Wesley Robin
Wyatt Robin
Felix Robin
Paul Robin
Kyle Robin
Elias Robin
Everett Robin
Michael Robin
Christopher Robin (sorry had to, but it does sound good). Lol.