Anyone else worries about all the extras in our food? I normally don't care so much but I'm worried something might affect my little bean. I'm trying to eat healthy but most days healthy things don't sound good and I can't force myself to eat them. So, I think I'm going to start eating organic meats and organic milk. I've done a little bit of research and I think I'm sold. Any input/advice/thoughts?
Mommy to an angel baby and a sweet little girl Earth side.
Re: Organic/Hormone Free?
If cost is an issue Google "dirty dozen organic fruits and vegetables". It will give you a list of what fruits and veges should be purchased organic vs which ones you can get away with non-organic.
Married: October 2014
TTC #1 since September 2015
Ugh:dairy, not diary. Sorry ladies, it was one of those days.
We don't drink milk in our house, but I'm researching raw milk bc I heard from some friends that people who are lactose intolerant can often handle raw milk just fine. Its also supposed to be super healthy. I still don't know much, anyone given it a try?
Regardless, even if it were all true, I don't want to eat something that has soaked up chemicals to stop it from growing. There is no way it's good for us to consume that. This is fascinating to me:
At my house, we've been eating organic/no additives for years. As other posters have said, sometimes when we're out, we're not eating organic. It happens. There have been some great strides in local restaurants serving farm-to-table organics, though!
Sorry, baby.
Whether its officially better or not I don't know, but I think you can taste the difference in many things, like pasta sauce.
But its hard for me to pay $3.99 for a dozen eggs when I can get some for $.99 right next to them.
In the summer I but produce at the farmer's market that is pesticide free. The rest of the year I have organic produce delivered and supplement with whatever I need at the store (some organic and some not).
We don't eat much meat. I do buy wild versus farmed seafood.
Married: May 16th 2015
Eta: @MotherOfDucks I've been dying to ask you this for weeks! Do your ducks stay inside? Do you use duck diapers for them? Ducks are my favorite animal and I've been begging my husband to let me get one for years. I really want a house duck whose only job is to be adorable and harass my dogs.
Organic produce only for the "dirty dozen", and
Antibiotic/hormone free meats & poultry at home
I still eat dinner out at non-organic restaurants, and love my conventional Cheerios for breakfast. In a perfect world I'd be 100% organic but it's cost prohibitive.
@thebigoaktree I LOVE trader joes, they're the shit. And the wine prices are insane! Missing that lol. Fun fact: anything with the trader joes logo/brand is gauanteed to be gmo-free. They're also transitioning completely gmo-free store wide, though not sure when that's supposed to happen by.
@nerdchild hubby has been begging me for chickens for a while now. Not sure if our landlord would be too pleased otherwise I would have relented already lol
This. The studies that say "organic isn't better" simply compare vitamins and minerals. An organic strawberry is similar to a regular strawberry.. That's not why you choose organic, you choose it to avoid horomones and pesticides that have been PROVEN to be harmful. This article sums it up:
Whenever I eat at BBW's, because I do, or two days ago bought salmon at costco for a 40-person meal and some fish was labeled "antibiotic free" - but not the salmon... I think about the antibiotics I might be ingesting and passing resistance to the baby. I'm sure I will also think of this when I'm buying food for future children. I try to buy as much as I can from the farmers market in the summer, but in the winter (in Chicago) there's no other option besides the grocery store which I know have issues of large-scale farm production and chemicals crossing over etc etc... Obviously I can't think about this too much (or I'd starve), nor do I worry much when we eat at restaurants. I think you can only do what you can do, it's worth the extra money for your health, and it's worth being educated, but let the rest go.
One thing I read a while ago which made me feel a little better: it's better to eat a non-organic vegetable than skip it entirely, the benefits still outweigh the chemicals haha. So eat up!
NO HORMONES (pork or poultry):
Hormones are not allowed in raising hogs or poultry. Therefore, the claim "no hormones added" cannot be used on the labels of pork or poultry unless it is followed by a statement that says "Federal regulations prohibit the use of hormones."
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