June 2016 Moms

Baby Shower Etiquette

I have a friend that has offered to throw me a baby shower. One problem, she doesn't have the room at her place to hosts and wants to know if she can do it at my place. I have no problem with it, but just want to make sure it doesn't look like I'm throwing my own shower. Thoughts?
37 y/o
Married 9/1/13
Off OCP 3/1/14
TTC 6/1/14
DX Endometriosis in 2002
Laparoscopy 2002 and 2007
HSG 8/2014, right tube partially blocked
1st BFP 1/5/15 EDD 9/12/15- miscarried 1/8/15
BFP 10/5/15 EDD 6/17/16- delivered healthy girl 6/18/16
BFP 8/4/16 EDD 3/2/18- trisomy 18 girl- no heartbeat 8/25/17 at 13 weeks d&c 8/28/17
BFP 12/4/17 EDD 8/19/18

Re: Baby Shower Etiquette

  • We hosted my bridal shower at my place since my friend was living with her parents. Since she will be sending out the invites and leading it, it's not a problem.
  • If you are friends and fam are going to be judgy mcjudgersons over the venue, that says a lot about their character. Sounds great, as long as you're okay with it. Hopefully you don't have to clean up before or after ;)
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  • My friend and I hosted a baby shower for another friend at the mom to be's house. No one had the impression she hosted her own shower since we clearly handled all the hosting duties. I say it's totally fine.
  • Yeah, hosting and location are two very different things. The invitations will make clear who's hosting. Honestly, I think baby shower at the baby's house makes a lot of sense. I had a ton of stuff to move after my baby shower. Plus some people will like being able to see the baby's room/space if it's ready by then.
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  • Agreed.  My BFF that threw my shower did it at my house because she lives in a teeny tiny apartment.  It was actually awesome!!  I got the leftover food and didn't have to load up a car of gifts ;)
    Married: June 25, 2011
    DS #1: Born September 29, 2013
    Baby #2: Due June 3, 2016

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  • vulpinivulpini member
    edited January 2016
    I see no problem with it.  If she is the one sending out invitations and collecting RSVPs, she's the host.  I think almost every baby shower I've been to has been held at the mother-to-be's house so she doesn't have to travel or lug a bunch of gifts back home.  They have all been hosted by someone else.
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  • Thanks ladies!
    37 y/o
    Married 9/1/13
    Off OCP 3/1/14
    TTC 6/1/14
    DX Endometriosis in 2002
    Laparoscopy 2002 and 2007
    HSG 8/2014, right tube partially blocked
    1st BFP 1/5/15 EDD 9/12/15- miscarried 1/8/15
    BFP 10/5/15 EDD 6/17/16- delivered healthy girl 6/18/16
    BFP 8/4/16 EDD 3/2/18- trisomy 18 girl- no heartbeat 8/25/17 at 13 weeks d&c 8/28/17
    BFP 12/4/17 EDD 8/19/18

  • My friend had her baby shower at her house that her mom hosted. I didn't think it was weird until the mom-to-be was leading all of the games. That definitely made me side eye. Just stay out of the planning and most likely no one will judge. (Plus you won't have to move all those gifts!)
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