July 2016 Moms

Tuesday ticker change

1) how far along are you?
2) comparable size (fruit, toy,pastry)?
3) doing anything baby related this week?
4) how have you been feeling?
5) check in randoms
Me (32) & DH (35)
Married 10.10.10
DD born 7.25.16 <3

Re: Tuesday ticker change

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    1) how far along are you? 15 weeks
    2) comparable size (fruit, toy,pastry)? Avocado, multi tool, yellow canary
    3) doing anything baby related this week? Hopefully feeling baby move soon!
    4) how have you been feeling? Good. My dizziness has improved and we booked our babymoon to London! I've really been craving fruit lately.
    5) check in randoms: I changed my date last week based off my NT scan measurements. Baby is growing fast! I know exactly when I ovulated because i was charting but baby is still measuring 6 days ahead of that!
    Me (32) & DH (35)
    Married 10.10.10
    DD born 7.25.16 <3
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    1) how far along are you? 15 weeks

    2) comparable size (fruit, toy,pastry)? Avocado, orange

    3) doing anything baby related this week? Have a routine ob appointment to check weight, heartbeat, blood pressure, etc. on Thursday. Assuming I'll get paperwork then for more blood work for the quad screening, but not sure. Does everyone get that done?

    4) how have you been feeling? Really good, aside from still being super tired once I get home from work. Feeling like my bump hasn't grown too much overall and hope all is well with baby.

    5) check in randoms: So impatient to find out what we're having. Hoping the next 5 weeks go by quick until our anatomy scan!

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    HMcDade1HMcDade1 member
    edited January 2016
    I had my quad screen last week- routine bloodwork only one vial. My doctor never really phrases things as a choice, which I'm fine with, he just tells me what's coming next. As a FTM I'm getting everything done he suggests anyway because I have no expectations or comparisons and I trust his judgement. I think however a quad screen would be an easy opt out if you didn't want more screening.

    It looks at Downs, Trisomy 18, Spina Bfida, anencephaly, as well as abdominal wall defects.

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    1) how far along are you? 16 weeks
    2) comparable size (fruit, toy,pastry)?
    Avocado...I also saw gerbil somewhere.
    3) doing anything baby related this week? apt tomorrow for 16 week and to follow up on a persistent bleed. Will start progesterone shots, and discuss cerclage if needed.
    4) how have you been feeling?
    Kind of blah. Lots of bleeding with constant period like cramps. When I get up and move, I get alllot of cramping and pressure pushing down on my vajay. It's been 10 years since my last pregnancy, so I dont remember it too well. I keep saying this too shall pass!
    5) check in randoms
    I still haven't started showing. I've actually lost 10 lbs, but gained a ton of new stretch marks! Based on where they find the HB, I think he's just tucked in low. I guess I also started with a little extra fluff this go round too :).
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    @kcossey528 I have no bump either, like nothing. I'm sure it's coming soon :wink:
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    1) how far along are you? 14 weeks, 3 days
    2) comparable size (fruit, toy,pastry)? a troll doll, hehe.  :p
    3) doing anything baby related this week? nope...
    4) how have you been feeling? pretty good actually! second trimester rocks

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    1) how far along are you?
    15 weeks

    2) comparable size (fruit, toy,pastry)?

    3) doing anything baby related this week?
    OB appt. today at 3, hoping to hear a nice strong HB on the doppler!

    4) how have you been feeling?
    Pretty good but after about a week with an awesome energy surge, I started to feel really exhausted the last couple of days again. I really need to find a way to do some light exercise every day regardless, but man, it's tough.

    5) check in randoms
    I am pretty much showing now, the bump mostly came out last week. Was great timing to out myself at work, which went well. I also sometimes think I feel movement in there. With it being my second, it might be possible... BUT I have an anterior placenta so, I'm thinking it's probably just phantom kicks/gas. At least something's reminding me she's in there!
    DD1: Born January 2013
    DD2: Due July 12, 2016
    Two rescue dogs 

    BabyFruit Ticker

    July 2016 - July Siggy: Weird Hot Dog Situations
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    1) how far along are you? 16 weeks
    2) comparable size (fruit, toy,pastry)? avocado
    3) doing anything baby related this week? Have been feeling baby more
    4) how have you been feeling? Still have MS but it’s been a lot better and the headaches have started
    5) check in randoms: Anatomy scan isn’t until Feb 22nd…it seems so far away

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    1) how far along are you? 13 weeks (COME ON, SECOND TRIMESTER!)

    2) comparable size (fruit, toy,pastry)? peach, hot jalepeno....mmm, now i'm craving peach salsa.

    3) doing anything baby related this week? I should be getting my Progenity results this week! I'm dying to get that phone call....

    4) how have you been feeling? Not bad. The queasiness has lessened, and I seem to have *A BIT* more energy. My back's been hurting a lot, though; I think because I'm not sleeping as well/waking up a lot/tossing and turning.
    5) check in randoms: I want to start taking blump pics but am feeling super self-conscious. I'm already a bigger girl, and I'm afraid I'm just going to look like I'm getting fatter since there's no real baby bump yet. Le sigh.
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    @HMcDade1 I'm totally in agreence with you. I'm sure I will have it presented to me by my doctor, I just wasn't sure if it was something every doctor recommend at this stage of pregnancy. Thanks for the info!! :)
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    Didn't mean to sound condescending ! I'm realizing I sort of did. I just meant I'm doing everything this go around because I don't know any better.. They kind of just said to me oh you're almost sixteen weeks you're due for the quad screen today. "Ok sounds good" :)
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    1) how far along are you? 16 weeks!

    2) comparable size (fruit, toy,pastry)? Avocado

    3) doing anything baby related this week? I have my first doula interview this week and hopefully DH will get around to priming the nursery

    4) how have you been feeling? Besides being tired I feel great!

    5) check in randoms: I can't wait till I feel the baby and without a doubt know it's the baby. I keep feeing something when I'm laying on my back. Kinda feels like muscle twitches but I don't know if it's that or baby :(
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    You didn't at all @HMcDade1 :) very helpful!
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    1) how far along are you? 16 weeks
    2) comparable size (fruit, toy,pastry)? Avocado
    3) doing anything baby related this week? No, my next appointment and ultrasound are the first week of February.
    4) how have you been feeling? Sooooooooo tired. I am so exhausted all the time I can barely function. It's driving DH a little crazy because he's totally in nesting mode with all these projects he wants to work on I keep bailing to sleep.
    5) check in randoms I'm not really showing yet either which is a bit strange since this is my second and with my first I was already fully in maternity clothes. I've been wearing some maternity pants because they're more comfortable but most of my regular pants still fit fine.
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    1) how far along are you? 14 weeks Hello 2nd trimester ;)
    2) comparable size (fruit, toy,pastry)? Lemon
    3) doing anything baby related this week? Maybe starting to register
    4) how have you been feeling? Still nauseous occasionally, less tired, hungry
    5) check in randoms- I'm just excited that I'm done with the first rodeo of this pregnancy!! Also my bump is becoming noticeable which is fun and scary at the same time, because people that don't know for sure are giving me looks.

    July 16 BMB-December Siggy Challenge- Holiday Animals 

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