September 2015 Moms

Excessive SpitUp!

In a typical day, my LO will spit up maybe only once, and it's usually just a little bit. For the last couple of days though, he's been spitting up A TON almost every time he eats (he's EBF). He has no fever and isn't acting sick otherwise. I'm avoiding having to take him out to the doc today because temps are below zero! Wondering if anyone else has experienced days when the spit up keeps on flowing, but maybe it was only temporary?? Not sure what's going on with him!

Re: Excessive SpitUp!

  • My daughter goes through stages where she won't spit up for a couple days and then she will spit up what seems like everything she ate the next day. If you are concerned, I would call your doctor, but from my research (Dr. Google), as long as they aren't forcefully spitting up, they are okay. My daughter always seemed to puke the most after her morning nap. I think she was waking up really hungry and then over eating. There were honestly days where she would go through 6 outfits, all the bibs I own and I would go through an outfit or 3 because of her puking.
    I started feeding my daughter a wee bit of cereal this week and her puking has seemed to decrease. I am not sure if it is a coincidence or not though....
  • Thanks for the feedback! It's not forceful spit up... Barely seems to faze him!
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  • I have a puker/spit-upper and I find some days he might have just 1 or 2 small spit ups and other days it is constant and a lot each time. But he's been back and forth this way since he stopped projectile vomiting around 6 weeks. Cycling through periods of lots and little spitting up. Is this the first time your LO has done it this much? If it doesn't seem to bother him I wouldn't worry about it. But you could just watch for other symptoms. My son spit up a ton at the start of his first cold (but it could have just been coincidence).
  • Maybe just something specific you ate that bothered him. Does your pediatrician have a question/nurse line? It wouldn't hurt to call
  • Yes this is the first time he has ever spit up this much. Called the ped and she said to bring him in to weigh him. So I'll see what they say. Thanks for your input mamas!
  • My little one will be 15 weeks tomorrow and the last couple days started spitting up specially yesterday it was a lot more than usual and he also spitted a large amount clear liquid . I tired feeding him less amount and more frequent but he seems to get irritated when I try to burp him more every other oz , he wants to eat more . I called his doctor and they said it might be reflux and I am not sure what to do at this point , if I should watch him for next 2-3 days before taking him to his Doctor. The spitting became less today since I started feeding him less ,more frequent and position him sitting straight while feeding him .And he has no sign of sickness . He similes and plays as normal but during feeding he gets irritated of course when I stop the feeding ,to burp him.
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