July 2016 Moms

Monday Ticker Change

1) how far along are you?
2) comparable size (fruit, toy,pastry)?
3) doing anything baby related this week?
4) how have you been feeling?
5) check in randoms
April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

Re: Monday Ticker Change

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    1) 15 weeks

    2) Naval Orange

    3) Not really

    4) Significantly better, I have my days but they are not as bad as first tri, and typically only part of the day instead of the entire day.

    5) Going to visit my friend in Arizona this weekend and she is expecting and due the same time.  Was excited before, now I can barely contain myself!

    Me: 32, DH: 38
    Married 1/14/12
    NTNP Since 12/13, TTC Since 1/15
    BFP: 11/4/15  Found out we were having TWINS 12/9/15 EDD: 7/11/16 Born: 6/29/16
    Team Blue x2!!

    cartoon disney funny haters pixar

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    1) how far along are you? 16 weeks

    2) comparable size (fruit, toy,pastry)? Avocado!

    3) doing anything baby related this week? Nope..

    4) how have you been feeling? Good! Pregnant :)

    5) check in randoms - my friend from MA is coming to visit for a long weekend yay! Idk what we're doing, since she booked the trip and said "can't wait to drink alllll the wine with you" before I knew I was pregnant.. Thankfully my husband will be off work so they can drink wine together, maybe. Also, I guess maybe Disney? I live so close to Disneyland but have never been and she's obsessed so that will probably happen.
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    1) how far along are you? 14 weeks
    2) comparable size (fruit, toy,pastry)? Lemon
    3) doing anything baby related this week? Announcing to our extended family by way of a 'surprise' birthday party for my hubs!
    4) how have you been feeling? Really good actually. Nesting has set in early with this one, so I've doing a lot of cleaning and organizing.
    5) check in randoms. Got my first flutters at 13 weeks 3 days!! It was really awesome because I went back and looked at my pregnancy journal with DD and I first felt her at 13 + 4. I've had very random flutters since.
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    How far along are you? 14 weeks
    Comparable Size:Lemon
    Doing anything baby related this week? Had an appointment today and got to see my little cutie kicking and punching on the ultrasound because they couldn't find the heartrate with the Doppler.
    How have you been feeling? Great actually
    Check in Randoms: I don't really have any this week.

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    How far along are you? 16 weeks
    Comparable size: Dill pickle (a huge craving of mine right now!)
    Doing anything baby related this week? Might go check out the Babies R Us stock up sale with DH! Want to start doing some research for car seats and strollers.
    How have you been feeling? Much better; still having some trouble sleeping, and the heartburn is just awful. Also, everything makes me cry right now. 
    Check in randoms: This is one of my very first posts, I've kind of just been a lurker up to this point, but it's been nice knowing I am not alone :smile: 
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    1) how far along are you? 16
    2) comparable size (fruit, toy,pastry)? Action figure ;)
    3) doing anything baby related this week? NT really
    4) how have you been feeling? Better car sickness is real though
    5) check in randoms. Been feeling extra anxious as my symptoms had decreased wondering if everything is fine. Anyone else had this?
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

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    @Lindsayleigh1989 yes x a million! But I f all your appointments have been good, then don't worry be happy! You've been through it all these past couple of weeks from the sounds of it, you deserve your symptoms to calm down!
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    @Lindsayleigh1989 You've been the rarity in that your symptoms haven't calmed down by this point, poor girl! When mine started to decrease I felt a little anxiety also and wondered if baby was okay for a few days then realized I was being silly. It's totally normal, just try to enjoy what you've waited so long for.. a little slice of the "second tri is so wonderful" pie.
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    1) how far along are you? 16weeks

    2) comparable size (fruit, toy,pastry)? Dill pickle or avocado

    3) doing anything baby related this week? No next appt is next week :)

    4) how have you been feeling? Better now! First trimester was tough this time around. So much different than with DS

    5) check in randoms: trying to decide what double jogger to get since some are so darn expensive! But I want one that will last so I'm leaning towards a BOB. Any thoughts?
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