Ok, I'm not sure how to put this in words. Has anyone lost a loved one since your baby has been here?
We all know the struggles of having a new baby, but I'm at a loss of how to cope with a baby and a tragic loss so suddenly.
Please hug all your loved ones tight!! Give your babies hugs and hold them tight!!
This is the most rambled mumble jumbled thing I have ever posted. I apologize.
Re: Need support!!
I lost my aunt when I was 7 months pregnant and last Monday I lost someone very suddenly who was like a father to me. I don't have any good advice. I'm really struggling. I can't hold my baby enough since I found out and altho I'm functioning I'm completely heartbroken.
Remember to tell those you love that you love them every single day.
It's much easier to give advice than to take your own. I do think it's important to allow ourselves to grieve tho. A good friend rang me yesterday and told me that even though I'm am happy to have my beautiful son I am also allowed to be sad and angry about these losses.
I'm trying to be positive and be grateful for the times we had. I just wish that there were more. We really just take life and those we love for granted sometimes.
It gives me anxiety thinking about it. I hate it.
I'm sorry for your loss- and would love to know if you've good advice or just your thoughts.... *hug*
My brother would be turning 32 next month- Valentine's Day is his birthday. Every year my mom would bake him a heart shaped cake. She brought him home from the hospital in a Valentine's Day outfit. She has his baby clothes and wants my son to wear them..... I f%^king hate feeling this-
I really think letting yourself feel the pain and talking about it is the best way to make it through, and once you've felt that to move forward. Not to move on from the person because you never will. But to move forward with the new relationship you have with the person, which is through remembering special moments and sharing those with others. I really believe a person lives on in the memories we share with others about them. Especially your little ones.
Hugs to all!