September 2015 Moms

Need support!!

Ok, I'm not sure how to put this in words. Has anyone lost a loved one since your baby has been here?

We all know the struggles of having a new baby, but I'm at a loss of how to cope with a baby and a tragic loss so suddenly.

Please hug all your loved ones tight!! Give your babies hugs and hold them tight!!

This is the most rambled mumble jumbled thing I have ever posted. I apologize.

Re: Need support!!

  • Long time lurker here.
    I lost my aunt when I was 7 months pregnant and last Monday I lost someone very suddenly who was like a father to me. I don't have any good advice. I'm really struggling. I can't hold my baby enough since I found out and altho I'm functioning I'm completely heartbroken.
    Remember to tell those you love that you love them every single day.
  • Yes and actually she (a really good friend), passed hours before the baby was born. I was crying during labor. It was awful. I am just trying to remember to live and love harder. ((Hugs)) so sorry for your loss.
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  • I haven't lost a person but I lost 2 fur babies. My dog on 7/25 and then my beloved cat on 10/1. I loved them so deeply. They were my life before my son and I still cry to this day. DS is the only thing that kept me sane, losing both do close to each other. So sorry for your loss :(
  • I'm so sorry for both of you.
    It's much easier to give advice than to take your own. I do think it's important to allow ourselves to grieve tho. A good friend rang me yesterday and told me that even though I'm am happy to have my beautiful son I am also allowed to be sad and angry about these losses.
    I'm trying to be positive and be grateful for the times we had. I just wish that there were more. We really just take life and those we love for granted sometimes.
  • This is so hard!! On Saturday we said goodbye to my grandpa who is now in palliative care. Then we got a phone call yesterday morning that my husbands sister passed away :(.
  • I'm so sorry for your loss
  • I lost my uncle in the November then found out I was pregnant in the Jan. He wasn't just an uncle to me he was my whole world my hero everything I looked up to and I was his special niece (he told everyone this lol) He was only 39 just got married and had a son had everything to live for, took a massive heart attack at work by the time they got him to hospital he was brain dead. To tell you the truth I have not grieved st all for him yet I'm scared too. But finding out I was pregnant so soon after and esp with a little girl (had 3 sons before her so wanted a girl) helped me through it a bit and I still say he sent her to me to help. Anyway sorry for the big long post my point is my baby girl helps me through it everyday just and that my uncle would not want me to be miserable everyday he was the only person I ever listened too and know he would not want to see me like that and I'm sure your loved one wouldn't either. Sorry for your loss and here if you ever need someone to listen x
  • My father passed when DD2 was 8 weeks old and I went into PTSD mode. I stopped nursing immediately and couldn't even hold her for a week. I had to be medicated for 4 months to make it through. Here we are 4 years later and my stepfather passed when I was 16 weeks pregnant with DD3. He had been in my life for 23 years and it was a huge loss. I'm doing much better this time, but I still get sad often. Hugs to you.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Me too- lost my fur baby when I was 2 months pregnant. Had to put my Yorkie to sleep. F%#^ing horrible day. I know it's not a human but it was horrible!
  • If you find good ways to cope please share. My situation is different. I lost my brother a few years back. I've NEVER dealt with it- I tell myself he's at a friends house or pretend he's not gone. Now that I have a son- I'm starting to freak out a little. I can't figure out why my brother is dead but I keep going on and have a baby.... I don't know what to tell my son about my brother.... Do I take my baby to visit my brothers grave? Is that morbid? Are babies allowed at graves or is that bad taste- like taking a baby to a bar?
    It gives me anxiety thinking about it. I hate it.
    I'm sorry for your loss- and would love to know if you've good advice or just your thoughts.... *hug*
    My brother would be turning 32 next month- Valentine's Day is his birthday. Every year my mom would bake him a heart shaped cake. She brought him home from the hospital in a Valentine's Day outfit. She has his baby clothes and wants my son to wear them..... I f%^king hate feeling this-
  • I'm taking my little girl to my uncles grave if that helps any @troopersmom and know exactly what you mean about not dealing with it. I do the exact same and same as I said to pp ever need a chat just mail me
  • katythelady22katythelady22 member
    edited January 2016
    @troopersmom21 I'm so sorry for your loss. its not morbid at all to bring your son to your brothers grave. My dad passed and I brought my daughter to his grave, it was a really special moment for me.

    I really think letting yourself feel the pain and talking about it is the best way to make it through, and once you've felt that to move forward. Not to move on from the person because you never will. But to move forward with the new relationship you have with the person, which is through remembering special moments and sharing those with others. I really believe a person lives on in the memories we share with others about them. Especially your little ones.

    Hugs to all!
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