July 2015 Moms

Leap 5 positive stories please

So my dd has 7 days left of leap 5. Things are getting a little easier but her night time sleeping is. I'm wanting to hear possitive stories about your little ones please tell me they settled back into a routine one the leap was over? Trying to stay optimistic here!

Re: Leap 5 positive stories please

  • Right at the end of lead 5 my LO started sleeping through the night, like 7:30pm to 6am!! You're almost there!!
  • Same here... I thought I was going to die from lack of sleep, then a couple days before the end of the leap he went back to his routine of bed at 8 and up once to nurse then back down until 6am. It gets better. Hang in there, mama!
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  • I'm finally at the tail end of leap 5 (about 4 more days left) and it's definitely getting better. From 30 minute naps, we're finally back to taking longer naps and she is sleeping longer between nursing at night. She still dream feeds for comfort about 3 times through the night, but she started from waking up every hour so I'm not complaining!

    She's also in a better mood, but she still doesn't like when I'm out of her sight for longer than 2 minutes.

    This leap was definitely killer but I'm glad it's coming to an end! You're almost there, Momma!
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  • I am looking for that light at the end of the tunnel... LO who is almost always happy has been soo moody and fussy lately
  • I'm on the tail end of Leap 5, with one new tooth broken thru and another right at the cusp. My LO is sleeping about an hour at a time at night, I'm hoping for some relief!
  • The leap ended for us yesterday and she slept right through from 8 last night till 7 this morning.
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