Baby Names

I'm interested in opinions on this....just curious

First, I'd like to say the only thread I found on this was from 6 years ago.

Also, I just had a baby girl we named Charlotte Jean (after my mother) with some help from this board. I'm a fan of traditional names. Actually, I love traditional names!

With that said, my friend likes the name Ryan for a girl. I'm just interested in thoughts on this....Could it be to your daughters advantage later in life to have a traditionally male name? I understand the argument against saddling a girl with a boys name-I'm not a fan of that myself. However, there's a lot of discussion around being judged by your name and what it looks like on resumes and how it sounds as you age; I'm wondering if having a boys name on a resume could be to your advantage. I know we live in 2016 and women should have the same opportunities as men, but let's be honest, that's not always the case.

So, my question is, do you feel there could be an advantage to naming your daughter a traditionally male name?

Re: I'm interested in opinions on this....just curious

  • LizaKate1213LizaKate1213 member
    edited January 2016
    I have actually known a few girls names Ryan, though it is absolutely NMS. I am pretty indifferent to true gender neutral names (such as Taylor), but really dislike male names on females. I feel if you want your little girl to have a strong name, name her after a strong woman.
  • I LOVE Ryan for a little girl. It's absolutely my first choice, but has been vetoed by hubby. *weeping tears*
    It has nothing to do with masculinity to me. That doesn't factor into it at all.
    I prefer Rian, Riann or Ryann for a girl.
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  • As a side note, I also love Kelly for a boy....which is traditionally male, but no longer considered masculine.
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  • Giving into gender bias by hiding your child's sex behind an ambiguous name is hardly fighting against gender bias.

    I completely agree.
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