July 2016 Moms

Sunday Ticker Change

How far along are you/what's your fruit or other comparable size?

Rants, raves, symptoms, appointments or other baby-related stuff:

GTKY: What's your favorite thing to do on Sunday?

Re: Sunday Ticker Change

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    edited January 2016
    How far along are you/what's your fruit or other comparable size?

    Rants, raves, symptoms, appointments or other baby-related stuff:
    MS is gone! Hungry as fuck. Husband told me I finally look pregnant instead of like I'm gaining weight. TB update told me to "relish in my roundness" and I had to laugh at the ridiculousness of that statement.

    GTKY: What's your favorite thing to do on Sunday?
    If it's football season, we eat and watch football. Today, I'm making German stew and we're watching our Panthers play! #panthernation #keeppounding
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    How far along are you/what's your fruit or other comparable size? 13 weeks. A peach

    Rants, raves, symptoms, appointments or other baby-related stuff: Still feeling really nauseous, hoping that stops soon. Finally feeling a little more pregnant, starting to stress about starting a registry because I have no clue where to even start.

    GTKY: What's your favorite thing to do on Sunday? If I'm not working, just relaxing. Maybe read or catch up on crap tv the boyfriend doesn't like to watch with me. Sometimes do get togethers with my sisters and mom.
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    How far along are you/what's your fruit or other comparable size? 15 weeks, a naval orange

    Rants, raves, symptoms, appointments or other baby-related stuff: Didn't puke for 2 weeks, was stoked for 2nd tri relief. Puked twice yesterday and once today and am so sad. 

    GTKY: What's your favorite thing to do on Sunday? I wish I got to sleep until noon, awake to cinnamon buns that I won't puke up, and that my step-son was away at his moms so DH and I could make love in bed all afternoon and play our adult video games. (The opposite of all these things is currently happening.)
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    How far along are you/what's your fruit or other comparable size? 16/avocado. Mmm... now I want guacamole!

    Rants, raves, symptoms, appointments or other baby-related stuff: Nausea is mostly gone, but sometimes blowing my nose makes me throw up. So that's great. My husband and I went to a registry party at BRU yesterday and won some free bottles, plus started our registry. I knew baby stuff was going to be expensive, but I was in some serious sticker shock.

    GTKY: What's your favorite thing to do on Sunday? Netflix and chill! But in the actual chill sense of the word. Finally got DH to agree to watch LOST, so we're marathoning all day. :)
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    How far along are you/what's your fruit or other comparable size? 
    13w. Peach
    Rants, raves, symptoms, appointments or other baby-related stuff: 
    Out of the 7 days last week, I felt good for 5 of them, which is a plus. I also never find good deals on 4Moms products, and found the Breeze on the Target website, buy the Breeze and get a $50 gift card. Win! 
    GTKY: What's your favorite thing to do on Sunday?
    Watch football! Go Seahawks! 
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    How far along are you/what's your fruit or other comparable size?
    15 weeks, naval orange (yellow canary according to Ovia)

    Rants, raves, symptoms, appointments or other baby-related stuff:
    Still nausea/puking all day every day. Apt on Wednesday and DH finally gets to come hear the heartbeat!
    GTKY: What's your favorite thing to do on Sunday?
    We go to church all morning, then I love going out to lunch, napping, and doing nothing.
    H. Foxe born October 22, 2013
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    How far along are you/what's your fruit or other comparable size?
    12 weeks- plum
    Rants, raves, symptoms, appointments or other baby-related stuff:
    We have our 12 week checkup and blood work coming up on Thursday!
    GTKY: What's your favorite thing to do on Sunday?
    I love to be a bum on Sunday's- chill in my pjs, watch tv (football, hockey, catch up on my weekly shows), and eat!
    July BMB 2016 July siggy challenge

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    How far along are you/what's your fruit or other comparable size? 12 weeks/ plum- almost 2nd trimester yahh

    Rants, raves, symptoms, appointments or other baby-related stuff: my morning sickness seems to have dropped off a little, to be replaced with boobs that have increased another cup size in a week, throbbing headaches, sore back/hips and a cold.

    I have my NT scan on Thursday, and I am freaking out. This is the scan that last pregnancy picked up on my son's terminal disorder. We were told it is very unlikely it will happen again, however I can't help but panic that it has.

    We are also planning how we are going to announce, if all goes well with the scan. I was thinking of announcing on Australia Day with baby Australian flag thongs, but I'm unsure. I feel like I would be posing a bit, because I'm a dual Australian/New Zealand citizen and have never really identified with being 'Australian' or really celebrated Australia Day. It just seems like good timing, because Australia day is the 26th January. DH doesn't really care so he's really helpful.

    GTKY: What's your favorite thing to do on Sunday? ATM it's sleep. I went back to work today after the summer holidays (I work at a school) so it's a bit of a shock to the system. It's also really quiet and boring because the students aren't back yet so I'm busy twiddling my thumbs and getting mad at the stupid person from payroll who I just had a fight with over the phone (they didn't pay me the annual leave I was entitled to over the holidays, but the lady reckoned they did blah blah). After about a 5 minute heated conversation she finally gave up and said just email us with all the information and we will have a look into it.

    Little boy due July 31st 2016

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    13 weeks, baby is now a peach, or a matchbox car

    During my appointment last week I heard the heartbeat for the first time!

    Gtky: usually we'll have plans to eat dinner at either my family's house or H's, which results in bringing home lots of leftovers. :) Other than that, we like to take it easy
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    How far along are you/fruit?
    16 weeks/avocado.

    Rants/raves/baby-related stuff:
    Had an appointment last week and got to hear the HB again which was awesome. Had the flu for 3 full days this week. Non-stop puking and unable to keep water down! Went to emerg to get a doctors note for work and ended up with an IV. Finally feeling better.

    GYKY: be lazy!! Snuggle with DH and DD when DH is off. Go out for breakfast at the dirty diner in town, or
    make brekky at home. Visit family. Took DD tobogganing today and she liked that--new Sunday hobby.
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    How far along are you/what's your fruit or other comparable size?

    Rants, raves, symptoms, appointments or other baby-related stuff:
    MS is wearing off and I ate real food for the first time in 3 weeks without puking!!! Woo! Starting to feel a little more energetic and functional. Work is stressing me out right now...January/February are the worst months as a high school special ed teacher. Kids are all cranky and cold and I have to meet with all of their parents and update all of their documents this time of year, so it's not my favorite. Fun baby things this weekend were scouting at BRU with mom and mil and accidentally buying a bunch of baby clothes, bought the stroller on Amazon (for half the BRU price), and I'm showing now so I went and got maternity clothes! Anatomy scan is February 8, looking forward to it.

    GTKY: What's your favorite thing to do on Sunday?
    We have a small church that meets at the pastor's house currently, so we always do lunch together and have a relaxing morning get-together. Then we usually go home and do nothing, which is my favorite in the winter when it's just so cold out.
    Married 6/1/13
    BFP #1 7/2013 MMC 9/17/13
    BFP #2 5/2014 MC 6/15/14
    BFP #3 11/13/14 (Found in ER with ruptured cyst) Diagnosed MC 11/15/14
    BFP #4  4/2015 MC 7/1/15
    BFP #5 10/21/15  EDD 7/3/16 Praying for our rainbow! 
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    How far along are you/what's your fruit or other comparable size? 15 weeks, size of an orange

    Rants, raves, symptoms, appointments or other baby-related stuff: Still feeling so tired and unmotivated. There's so much to do all the time and I just don't want to. Three weeks until we find out what we are having. Tech said baby looked girly, but it was still early at my last scan and I have had the same responses to my ultrasound I've posted online. I'm trying not to get my hopes up that its a girl after so many boys though. The good thing was that everything looked great with the baby and I'm also measuring two days ahead which puts me at the date I thought I'd be based on my ovulation which is July 8th.

    GTKY: What's your favorite thing to do on Sunday? It's too cold here now, but my favorite thing to do on a Sunday when it's nice is take a family trip to a park or find a food festival or really anything outside. I love being outside and should really move towards the West Coast. My sil and bil live in San Diego with their families and I'm seeing pictures of them at the zoo and chilly is when they have to wear a cardigan sweater. That's my kind of weather.
    Mom to Emma, Noah, Isaac, Asa, Asher, Jonah and expecting baby Alice 7/16


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    @LilLambie fx for a good scan Thursday!
    Mom to Emma, Noah, Isaac, Asa, Asher, Jonah and expecting baby Alice 7/16


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    How far along are you/what's your fruit or other comparable size? 14w yesterday, lemon

    Rants, raves, symptoms, appointments or other baby-related stuff: Have a prenatal appointment on Thursday - nothing special. My anatomy scan isn't til February

    GTKY: What's your favorite thing to do on Sunday? My work schedule is so random that I don't always have a weekend on the weekend, but DH has Sat-Sun-Mon off every week. My favourite when we're all home together is to just have a lazy day, maybe go to the swimming pool or park when it's nice out, or just veg at home.
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