July 2016 Moms

Saturday Ticker Change

Haven't seen this yet today and it's getting kind of late. Know I'm kind of new, hope no one minds! Stole Friday's ?s too.

How far along are you/what's your fruit or other comparable size?

Rants, raves, symptoms, appointments or other baby-related stuff:

GTKY: Who was the first person you told about your pregnancy (other than SO)?
Pregnancy Ticker

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: Saturday Ticker Change

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    12 weeks! Feeling comfortable spreading the news now, yay!

    Still nauseous and I was totally good by now last time. DH is going out of town all next week and I'm not excited to be chasing our 16 month old around on my own 24/7. We are in the process of our sharing our news with everyone and I'm letting myself get excited now.

    I told my sister first.
    Pregnancy Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    How far along are you/what's your fruit or other comparable size? 

    16 weeks! An avocado or a dill pickle apparently. I have been eating a lot of both so...

    Rants, raves, symptoms, appointments or other baby-related stuff: 

    I've been doing a lot of registry obsessing, which is amazing but also reallly overwhelming. There are so many things to decide and learn about haha. This sciatic back pain is killing this week, and getting comfortable to sleep is becoming harder all the time. I just had an appointment a few days ago so nothing until the anatomy scan! 

    GTKY: Who was the first person you told about your pregnancy (other than SO)?

    My mom, she came by the same day and she knew something was up instantly, I can never keep anything from her. 
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    15 weeks avocado or navel orange

    I've been trying to wean off Diclegis and I vomited yesterday for the first time in 2 weeks. Guess my body still wants the meds. I'm starting to show so I'm excited about that!

    My sis
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    How far along are you/what's your fruit or other comparable size?  15 Weeks/ Orange

    Rants, raves, symptoms, appointments or other baby-related stuff: I'm still in that in between stage of not having quite popped and just looking like I have a big food baby later in the day once I've eaten a few meals. (The tum is mostly flat first thing in the morning)  I can't wait for another couple of weeks for my bump to firm up a bit b/c it's still just squish and I'm not quite confident enough to rock a tight shirt.

    GTKY: Who was the first person you told about your pregnancy (other than SO)? Technically, we told DH's co-worker and her husband while we were in NYC. He was there for business and I was tagging along. I tested that morning and I was still thinking it may have been the trigger so we didn't want to tell family or anything. A few days later when we took the train up to see my parents, I showed my sister my pee stick!! We kept everyone else in the dark until Christmas which was torturous but made for such an awesome surprise!!
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    How far along are you/what's your fruit or other comparable size? 15 weeks. Navel orange.

    Rants, raves, symptoms, appointments or other baby-related stuff: I'm just glad to finally be feeling like a human being again. I'm excited for my appointment on Tuesday, and I'm just hoping I get some reassurance that everything is still going ok. Also, I'm obsessed with getting free gift bags for starting registries... I can't stop myself.

    GTKY: Who was the first person you told about your pregnancy (other than SO)? We immediately met my sister, my three brothers, and my best friend for dinner after taking the test. It was my sister's birthday, so the dinner had been planned. They pretty much all knew we were taking the test that day so it was really nice to have all my favorite people to share with right away.
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    How far along are you/what's your fruit or other comparable size? 14w! The size of a troll doll!

    Rants, raves, symptoms, appointments or other baby-related stuff: today I had a horrible migraine it keeps coming and going :(

    GTKY: Who was the first person you told about your pregnancy (other than SO)? My sister
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    How far along are you/what's your fruit or other comparable size? 12 weeks! A plum, toy solider, macaroon

    Rants, raves, symptoms, appointments or other baby-related stuff: Nausea starting to return? Thought it was gone, along with being so tired, but that's back as well. Took a three hour nap today while DH cleaned the house. We have our NT scan next Friday; thinking all the good things for a good result.

    GTKY: Who was the first person you told about your pregnancy (other than SO)? My little sister.
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    How far along are you/what's your fruit or other comparable size?

    14 weeks! A lemon

    Rants, raves, symptoms, appointments or other baby-related stuff:

    Most of my symptoms are going away. Just a little pain here and there. Next apt February 1st .... I am so ready!!

    GTKY: Who was the first person you told about your pregnancy (other than SO)?

    One of my best friends. She knew we were trying and kept asking if I was. So I just told her.

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

    BabyFruit Ticker

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    How far along are you/what's your fruit or other comparable size? 

    16 weeks! Avocado/Dill Pickle

    Rants, raves, symptoms, appointments or other baby-related stuff: 

    Feeling pretty good. Heard a great heartbeat at my appointment on Tuesday, and I've been feeling the baby move every night when I lie down still in bed, which is amazing.

    GTKY: Who was the first person you told about your pregnancy (other than SO)?

    I told my good friend. Her son goes to my school and I bumped into her on the way in the morning we found out. She knew we'd been working through infertility, so it was pretty amazing to tell someone that soon and get that reaction in person.

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