July 2016 Moms

Fungal infection & topical lamisil use

Sorry for starting this super sexy topic, buuut, wanted some insight:

Just over a week ago I noticed a few dark splotches on the top of my hands, concentrated close to my fingers. Not sure if it was some hormonal issue or something serious, so I saw my OB last Monday. She looked at it quickly and said, she "thinks" it "might be" fungal, but to make an appointment with a dermatologist. In the interim, she recommended using OTC lamisil cream.

Looked it up and lamisil is class B. Not horrible, but I'm not thrilled about having to use it. I've been diligent with my application for nearly a full week now, and there's been ZERO improvement. I don't see my dermatologist until Friday (a whole other week). I don't want to keep using it, and exposing my little babe to unnecessary chemicals if it's not effective.

Anyone have any experience using topical lamisil during pregnancy? For athletes foot, ring worm, fungus, or some other fun condition? If so, did it take a long time to work? Has anyone been told NOT to use it?

Idk if I should continue use for another week, or just throw in the towel until I see the specialist.

Re: Fungal infection & topical lamisil use

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    It's class B. I would continue using it until you see a derm. Hope it gets better !
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    No experience using anything but I'm a nurse and see a lot of fungal rashes, I would think the hands would be a very strangle place to get a fungal rash as usually they develop in places that become moist (under breasts, groin, feet) and are usually more red than brown. I'm no dr but hmmm.... Derm will know better!
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    1) it is a class B. Meaning that all lab tests show it is safe but there gas not been a large scale study on pregnant humans to prove it.

    2) it can take several weeks for an improvement for nail fungal infections.
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