September 2015 Moms

Rolling over

We're l so proud of our baby girl, she started rolling tummy to back on her 2 month birthday. Now she's rolling back to tummy at 3 1/2 months old. Anyone else's baby roll over this early? Everything I read says that 5 months is the average. Either way We are just so proud of our girl and she's so excited she learned something new :-)

Re: Rolling over

  • My daughter is 18 weeks Monday and only manages to roll onto her side but you can tell she wants to be on the move lol she's mastered getting her feet in her mouth lol
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  • No rolling yet!
  • Yes mine has rolled both ways but typically does more back to front. My first born didn't roll either way until 6 months so this felt so early to us


  • Yea baby girl was rolling on her side recently, then Thursday and Friday you could tell she was determined to do it. So lm sure louiser210591 your little one isn't far from rolling. I to am surprised how active she is already. It's cute she'll just keep rolling and rolling. I agree were in big girl needs to slow down, lol. But I love watching her learn new things!!
  • Yes mine started at about the same time yours did for each way. Now he is all over the place at 16 weeks! I just posted on my instagram the other day saying I had no idea the "busyness" would start so soon. This baby did not stay a cuddly little baby for long enough :(
  • At 15 weeks, LO started rolling back to front but nowhere close to rolling front to back.
    Once on her tummy, she just looks at me like she has no idea what to do there and questions her decision. It's pretty hilarious.
  • My lo goes back to front but not front to back yet. He's been rolling since early December as well he's 20 weeks Monday. Hoping he goes belly to back soon. We don't do a ton of flat tummy time he's often on the boppy so he's not used his arms alot to push up or anything. That's the issue he acts like he's got no arms when on tummy!
  • My baby is 4 months old and hasn't rolled yet
  • Go baby! DD1 rolled back to front at 16w, this baby did it at 17w, but still isn't doing it often. Now I'm just trying to enjoy this stage-very soon these babies will be into everything!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • 16 weeks today and no rolling here...
  • @dmbfan46835 your little guy is ADORABLE!!!
  • @bnwillia3 awwwww, thank you! I certainly think so too, but I'm super biased, lol.
  • H
    19 weeks and we've made a huge improvement with tummy time. He would scream his head off the second we tried before but I bought him this foam alphabet mat and now he'll stay like this for 10 minuets or so! No rolling yet though but he's got 19 lbs to try and roll so we'll get there lol
  • She rolled! 18.5 weeks and she rolled today! Woot!

    I put her on her tummy on the couch (supervised, of course!) and she started leaning toward the edge. It's a really firm couch with no "give" so I'm confident it wasn't helping her. She basically would've rolled of the couch if I wasn't there and so I caught her. She was so cute and seemed so surprised.

    Later, I tried it on the floor in a blanket. Crying again.
  • Yep. My LO was rolling earlier than I wanted. now he gator rolls across the floor by 4 month. I'm not a fan. He was rolling every which way, nonstop, by mid December. I miss the stationary days already. I don't know the milestones, I just let him do his thing. I didn't even realize he was a little early. We will add 'early roller' to his college applications. Ha! ;)
  • My LO learned to roll from tummy to back since early December, and just last week learned to roll from back to tummy. Now though, it seems like she has forgotten she can roll from tummy to back. She gets to her tummy and then gets mad. I think its funny because she has mastered them separately. Once she figures it out she can do both together, she'll be rolling everywhere.
  • EmilyJ15 said:

    My LO learned to roll from tummy to back since early December, and just last week learned to roll from back to tummy. Now though, it seems like she has forgotten she can roll from tummy to back. She gets to her tummy and then gets mad. I think its funny because she has mastered them separately. Once she figures it out she can do both together, she'll be rolling everywhere.

    THIS!! My guy does exactly this lol
  • Mine's started both over the last couple of weeks. He's almost 4 months, so maybe at 3.5? He's a very active baby, though. He's going to be a handful when he's able to crawl!
  • My daughters 19 weeks on Monday & just started rolling onto her front on Saturday. She's been trying for a while now I'm so proud!
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