July 2015 Moms

Swaddle transition

Hey ladies! My son just turned 6 months last Friday and we have still been swaddling at night. I know that it is a little late in the game, but he has slept so well with the swaddle I couldn't get rid of it. He is now starting to break out of them so I am going to transition out. Do any of you have any tips or products to suggest to help? I have a ZipadeeZip that I am trying out but I am not sure if it is the right way to go. Perhaps I should keep giving it a shot but I wanted to see if ya'll had some input. TIA! 
Also am I alone in being the only person still swaddling at 6 months? Just curious. :smile: 

Re: Swaddle transition

  • We are in the same boat! This week we started having her sleep with one arm out. Next week we will swaddle under her arms so both are free. I heard the Merlin Magic Sleep Suit can help with the transition as well!
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  • We just started this week, and thank god because sure enough I woke up last night to find he had rolled on his tummy.

    The first night was the worst. Oh boy did he scream, which he's never done. I think he just felt insecure. Cold turkey was not for him!

    I decided to use one of his old newborn swaddles and just wrap it around his tummy, not his arms. That way he feels secure and still has his legs in. I also put mittens on because he tends to grab at his face.

    Some nights he sleeps perfectly and some he wakes every few hours. Hoping he finds his groove soon! Good luck to you! We sure do miss the swaddle!
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  • Same here! LO just turned 6 months yesterday and we still swaddle. I have a zipadee zip ready to go but I am dreading ruining her sleeping all night routine. Good luck, hope it works out well for everyone.
  • I went from the swaddle to the magic Merlin sleep suit which worked pretty well. He started rolling over it that too so now we're just in a fleece sleep suit with a footed pjs under that. It gets cold in his room at night but he seems to sleep better when it's cool. He won't sleep now unless he's on his tummy. He's sleeping through the night again so I think things are going well.
  • We went from swaddling straight to the ZipadeeZip when LO was 3 months old. He woke up and fussed A LOT the first night, but never all-out cried, so we just let him have at it, and by the second night he was completely back to normal (sleeping through the night). I think the Zippy helps them feel secure and contained (like the swaddle) but gives them more freedom of movement when they want it.
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  • Little one is just over 6 months here and he doesn't sleep quell u less swaddled I don't know how to transition him. He loves the swaddle, he acts like he's free falling when he isn't swaddled and wakes up about 20 to 30 min later.

    My son also isn't sleeping as good through the night, seems to be teething related but still hard on him.

    I hope you're transition goes well!
  • Well we are almost 2 weeks into using the Zippadeezip and it is going really well. It was tough the first couple nights but I think it was definitely the way to go. Thanks for all your comments ladies!
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