Iowa Babies

Need a new OB!

Hi all!

We are expecting #2 in August and when I went for my first u/s today, we found out by OB is no longer covered under our insurance.  We have to choose a Unity Point or Iowa Clinic doctor.  My concern is with our 1st 2 pregnancies (ended in losses) we were w/ Unity Point and I refuse to go back because we were treated so poorly.  I absolutely LOVE my current office, and it's killing me that we have to switch.  We need an OB that delivers to Methodist, and I don't have preference on male vs. female, but would like something in WDM/Urbandale/Johnston.

TIA for any recommendations/suggestions!
Me - 27, DH - 32

EDD #1 3/30/13 - MC 8/24/12
EDD #2 12/28/2013 - MC 05/01/2013
EDD #3  07/06/2014  DS 7/8/14
EDD#4  08/22/2016

Re: Need a new OB!

  • I love Dr. Kubat at the Iowa Clinic on University, and actually drive over there from Mitchellville for my appointments. They allow you to either rotate through all of the doctors for your regular appointments because you never know who will be on call when you deliver, or you can see only one doctor and just wing it during delivery. My first appointment was with Kubat, and then I had some bleeding a couple weeks later and by luck she was the doctor on call that day. I have scheduled every single appointment with her since. She is super nice and always willing to answer questions, and as an added bonus her nurse is amazing. Good luck in your search. 
  • Women's health services has a great group of doctors. I've seen Dr Kemp for my annual checkups since I was 17. They rotate you thru the doctors during your prenatal visits so that you get a chance to meet them all. Then when you deliver you will not have a stranger up in your business.
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  • I also love the Drs at iowa clinic, they deliver to both Mercy and Methodist. I have seen about all of them at the West Des Moines location. We are going to mercy to deliver our second baby in March. Good luck! :)
  • I know you said no to Unity Point, but have you checked into the Midwife Service through them? They deliver at Methodist, and their office is on Ingersoll. They are so much more relaxed than the OB's at Unity point. 
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