Hi ladies -
So today was all about dealing with the financial side of our upcoming IVF cycle...and while we are very lucky to have the finances at hand to do this...I just got home and feel very blue and sad.
As I was going to the grocery store I kept on asking myself...why are you feeling this way?! You should be excited at the new potential possibility of getting pregnant. But the deep truth is that I am not. What I feel coming up is fear of failing again, money lost and just thinking it's not going to work for me. I know that my attitude needs to change, and it will... But I just have doubts....and hate to be in this space all over again.
I thought I had let go of our last failed cycle. I guess I have not.
I see mom's on street with screaming children and I think, do I really want that..is my life now not enough? Then a baby smiles at me and my heart melts...I look at my husband and see how incredible he is...and I just wish to see his gorgeous eyes on our child.
Am I crazy? One of my New Years resolution is to let the universe take care of the details and just focus on my part...but the details, doubts and fears are all I can think about now. This will be our last cycle, we both decided it's no way to live a life...we have each other, and I guess I have already in some way preparing myself for failure.
Please help me not to feel this way? Any uplifting stories would really help. I don't want to initiate this cycle with this weight.
Re: Inspiration needed...am I crazy?
I would maybe just try to shift your thoughts into that you do really want this to work (you know you do; otherwise you wouldn't have done everything you've already done), but if it doesn't [remember all the things that will make it okay]. Alternatively, have you taken a break from your last cycle, or do you think you need a month or two of a mental/emotional break? I really think the self-preservation/defense mechanism is kicking in and once you get more into the process the excitement will come back! It's a really overwhelming process, especially due to the cost!
Best of luck to you!
Honey, you are not crazy and you are definitely not alone! Infertility is a terrible, hard, painful, emotional, mentally draining process and it is completely normal to question if it is all worth it. All of us have had our days or even weeks of doubts, fear, and confusion. And PP is right, you are doing what a lot, if not all of us, are doing or have done- putting up a defense mechanism in case it doesn't work out in the end. Who wouldn't do that?
We got married and thought "we're ready to have kids, lets make a baby!" It all seems so easy- just do the deed when you should be ovulating and that's it. It also seemed like everyone else had no issue getting pregnant so why should we? Fast forward some time that included an early loss, too many rounds of clomid, an OB that wasn't being aggressive enough or treating me correctly, meetings with our RE, 2 failed IUI's and then finally a round of IVF. That was our last resort so it had to work, right? Well it did but it ended in a loss, again. All of the time, money, emotions, and physical pain for basically nothing. We were devastated.
Every new step that came in our struggle, DH would tell me "it's up to you. It's your body that is going through this every month. If you want to do this, we will do it and I will support you. If you can't handle it, I support that too and I will love you no matter what you decide." I would have the exact thoughts you did- especially the "what if it/I fail?" It was a terrible feeling, the back and forth. I'd cry in the shower. I'd second guess every decision I made. I didn't know if I could handle another let down. I didn't know if I could do another injection or u/s or even drive to the doctor's office.
Luckily, after our IVF loss, my body had to reset itself and it took a couple of months. Those months off were amazing! There was no weight on my shoulders, no meds to remember to take, we weren't constantly discussing the infertility- it was like our lives were back to normal and we were just husband and wife. Then the time came to make a choice. We decided to take the next step and do FET and if it didn't work, we'd figure something out. We began to look at adoption agencies in the area to try and see what we would need to do. I went into the FET cycle so much more relaxed than I had been in years. I was upbeat, excited and a lot less stressed than I was with our first IVF cycle. We did the transfer, had our first beta and found out we were expecting again and it was twins. We were all cautiously optimistic. A couple of weeks into the pregnancy, I had a severe bleed and thought for sure I was having another loss. Luckily, it turned out to be a bleed near the babies and they should be fine. The bleed went away and 2 weeks later I had another large bleed and again figured we were losing them. Thankfully, I was wrong. I ended up having a roller coaster of a pregnancy and tonight as I type this, I get to watch my mom hold my 1 month old son as my DH has our 1 month old daughter asleep in his arms. It was all completely worth it. I would do it all again twice over for this result.
Sometimes, you just need a mental break and some time to reconnect with yourself and your husband. At first, I was upset we couldn't jump back into it all, but it was definitely for the best. Perhaps that is something you need to do? Just take some time and reset.
I'm sorry you're feeling this way and I hope others respond with some uplifting stories or some more support so you know how not alone you are. I hope you link up with others in this group who are on the same timeline as your next cycle and gain support from one another. I unfortunately didn't get very involved in the Bump until after I was into my 2nd trimester and I wish I would have done it a lot sooner and gotten support from these amazing ladies.
Good luck on your journey.
Like both women above me wrote, its a self defence mechanism. Which we all put up as we hoped so many times without succeeding.
I don't have a happily after story just yet, but I can sympathize with your feeling.
Some days I walk to training and I think...do I want to give all of this up? My freedom. For 33 years, its just been me I had to think about. Am I nuts for doing this? Is it worth the trouble, the exhaustion, the tears?
But then a thought pops up that I do want that sweet little baby, that exploring little toddler, that oh-do-get-ready-(s)he'll-look-like-you teenager, and it is worth it.
I had one month off in December after my first IVF, which was so incredible intense. The clinic was ready to start a new cycle, but I needed a break.
Clear my head, give my body a rest, sleep, eat junk food, no injections, no pills, no ultrasounds, no nothing...and that was a great month.
Now I'm back to start my FET on Monday and I haven't been this relaxed since last year. People comment on how good and fresh I look, my acupuncturist ( I hate needles, but she makes me fall asleep!) told me how relaxed I am. And I feel good. Yes I am nauseous from the oestrogen, but I am ready to do this.
So take your time, have a little breather if you need too, its completely ok to take a break from it all if it is needed.
And definitely do not beat yourself up for feeling how you do, nobody (and definitely not you) will gain from you feeling like you can't feel a certain way.
Good luck on your journey x
Some good positive affirmations. And if you feel uncomfortable saying them out loud, close your eyes and actively think them in your head. Some links in case anyone is interested in trying (I often make up my own dependent on how I am feeling).
It's so hard this emotional rollercoaster. Know that each and every one of us feels that way at some point or another. I'm right there with you at the moment and actively working through it as I gear up to another cycle. Big hugs to you.
Started TTC April 2011
Me: 32, DH: 32
Diagnosis: Endometriosis
- - -
I'm a YouTube vlogger who talks about Infertility, IVF and Endometriosis. Check it out here!
Follow along at http://liv4today.blog
Instagram @liv4todayvlog
All that being said, it's so important to just feel those feelings and have a support network. I think saying it out loud has made me feel better and get past the negative feelings. It's totally normal! I keep reminding myself that if I end up with a baby in the end, all this frustration would have been worth it. If in the end it doesn't work out, I'll definitely be disappointed, but I love the life I have now too. If kids aren't going to be a part of it, there are other options too. For now I will be positive about my single little Han Solo and see what happens!
Good luck!!
**BFP and loss warning**
me 28 (Lean PCOS, hypothyroid)
dh 33
TTC #1 since early 2011
May 2011- natural pregnancy (metformin only); m/c @ 9 weeks + D&C
July 2011- lap to remove dermoid cyst
August 2012-current- 9 rounds of Clomid, 1 cycle of Femara, several cycles of soy isos, 1 IUI, O'd every cycle, BFN
August 2014- lap to remove uterine septum. Everything else looking good.
Moving onto IVF Feb/March 2016 Just kidding. Natural bfp 1/30/16. 1st beta 2/1 = 110. 2nd beta 2/3 = 332.
First ultrasound 2/19 - one baby with a heart rate of 127! EDD 10/11/2016
I am going to try to enjoy the process and just be positive. My husband said, why be miserable from the start? Let's try to enjoy this new chance...and he is right.
I just know that in order to do that, I have to be honest with myself and allow myself to recognize negative emotions and release them.
This is a fantastic circle of support!!!
Best of luck with your IVF cycle. I hope it all goes well and you finally get your BFP. Don't hesitate to reach out if you feel down!
Me - 28, Lean PCOS
DH - 31
Married June 2010, TTC since March 2014
Blog: ourbinarystar.com
FET cycle #3 Transfer July 28th 2016, Triplets born healthy on February 26th 2017 at 33w1d!