Baby Names

Biblical boy names

vulpinivulpini member
edited January 2016 in Baby Names
Help me out, name enthusiasts.

My husband and I like rather classic boy names. He is a little more conservative in his tastes than I am. I like old testament names that classic/modern (Ethan, Jacob, Gabriel, Joshua, etc). I also like some modern Israeli names (Ilan, Adar, Lior) but DH vetos most of those. I prefer to avoid new testament/Christian names.

The problem is that we are both Ashkenazi Jewish and in our background it is taboo to name a baby the same name as a living relative. Since we like the classic names, this means that most of the ones we like are taken. The taken ones off the top of my head are Elijah, Benjamin, Michael, Joshua, Adam, Alexander, David, Jacob, Joseph, James, Jonathan, Nathan, Isaac, Levi, and Samuel. I'm probably forgetting some since my family will be offended out to the level of second cousins if I repeat a name.

Give me some ideas for names in more or less that style that I can add to our list. So far we are considering

Noah (not crazy about the popularity)

DH vetoed Gabriel, Aaron, and Abram

Our first son is Ethan, so nothing to matchy to that.

Bonus points for anything starting with a V or L
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