Secondary IF

CCRM Colorado or Oregon Reproductive Medicine

We just received information last week that our FET from a December has not been successful.  As emotionally stressful as it is, we always knew that it could go either way; We do have to figure out next steps now so reaching out for info.

We are in the Seattle area and are currently with Pacific Northwest Fertility (Dr.Shahine) & SRM is certainly not an option for us as we need a clinic that is little more specialized and will work to our timeline (imposed due to other serious medical conditions) and is not into batching transfers and retrievals.

I will be 37 soon & my husband is on dialysis, so we will be doing IVF/ICSI with CCS/PGS testing. We also have produced higher than usual (for our age) chromosomally abnormal embryos (83.33% of aneuploid embryos). I supposedly had a great lining for the FET but still didn't work.

So, the options we were looking into are CCRM in Colorado or Oregon Reproductive Medicine in Portland or staying with PNWF in Seattle.

If you anyone here has experience with either clinics and would be willing to share, you have my gratitude. Also, any doctor recommendations within these clinics are also very appreciated.

DH :  36, has Chronic Kidney Disease, on dialysis & is waiting on the transplant list (average wait for B+ is 5 years)

Me:   36, Hypothyroidism, PCOS, BMI 32, need to be done with "child bearing" ASAP so that I can be a Kidney donor (was fun realizing we didn't as much time as we thought :-/ )

We're TTC#1

IUI #1 : 5mcg Letrozole (CD 3-7) + Ovidrel Trigger + Had the one follicle = BFN  (March 2014)

IUI #2 : 5mcg Letrozole (CD 3-7) + 150 iu Bravelle on CD9 (after much begging!) + Had the one follicle = BFN (April 2014)

7th May 2014 - changed REs, this one seems to care (we think....)

IUI #3 : 7mcg Letrozole (CD 3- 7) + 75 iu Bravelle (CD 8-12) + CD12 Scan 5/16 + Had 3 follicles (2 under 15mm) = BFN(May 2014)

IUI #4 : 7mcg Letrozole (CD 3- 7) + 75 iu Bravelle (CD 8-12) + CD12 Scan 5/16 + Had 1 follicle + DH gave best sample so far = BFN(June 2014)

IVF#1 -  ER Only Cycle Sept-Oct 2014, 17  eggs Retrieved, 14 mature, 10 fertilized, 6 made it to Blast & post PGS  5 were not viable due to chromosomal abnormalities
Not sure where we go from here...

We're parents to two very adorable, bratty, affectionate & goofy Bernese Mountain Dog pups who would very much like a 2 legged baby brother or sister of their own!

Re: CCRM Colorado or Oregon Reproductive Medicine

  • ***********sig warning**********

    I'm so sorry about your FET. I can't offer too much advice because I only did IUIs, but I was a patient at ORM. I was happy with the Dr I saw and if you think there are any questions I could answer feel free to ask.

    Maybe @fuzzbumble would have better input?
    Me: 34 DH: 36 
    DD#1 04/28/11

    TTC#2 since April 2012 - Unexplained Secondary IF (probably PCOS)
    Dec 13-March 14 Femara and TI - BFN
    April 2014 IUI#1 (Femara + Ovidrel) - BFN
    June 2014 IUI#2 (Femara + Ovidrel) - BFP 7/9/14 - No HB on 8/13/14 @ 8w4d
    Nov 2014 IUI#3 (Femara + Ovidrel) - BFFN
    Jan 2015 IUI#4 (Femara + Ovidrel) - BFN
    Feb 2015 IUI#5 Converted to TI (7.5mg Femara) - BFP 3/17/15!!!
    Beta #1 82, Beta #2 202 Please let this be it.
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