
IM shot advice

I've started my first round of IVF and am most nervous about the IM trigger shot. Any advice? I've heard you can ice it, but also heat - either work/help?


Me: 42 | DH: 39 | Us: Married since April 2014 | TCC 20 months before IVF

Me: unexplained infertility (AMA?) | DH: No issues

1st IVF cycle with ICSI & PGS | ER 1/21/16  | FET  4/26/16, ectopic

2nd FET 09/20/16 | DS born May 2017

3rd FET 09/14/20

Re: IM shot advice

  • I always warmed up the oil in a heating pad so it was a little thinner. Ice it for a few minutes and then rub your injection site and walk around. They sound worse than they really are.
  • I would recommend having your SO pinch your butt very very firmly the entire time (assuming you're doing it in the butt). Also, you should stand on the leg of the opposite side you're doing the shot on so you can relax the muscles that the needle is going in to. They really aren't that bad, even the really huge PIO needles. Heat afterwards can help, but for me it was only effective while it was actually on. Once I turned the heating pad off some discomfort returned.
    About us:
    Me - 28, Lean PCOS
    DH - 31
    Married June 2010, TTC since March 2014

    FET cycle #3 Transfer July 28th 2016, Triplets born healthy on February 26th 2017 at 33w1d!

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  • thanks for the advice @missilini and @AandDM2014 - I'm sure I'm working it up more in my head than it needs to be. 


    Me: 42 | DH: 39 | Us: Married since April 2014 | TCC 20 months before IVF

    Me: unexplained infertility (AMA?) | DH: No issues

    1st IVF cycle with ICSI & PGS | ER 1/21/16  | FET  4/26/16, ectopic

    2nd FET 09/20/16 | DS born May 2017

    3rd FET 09/14/20

  • Definitely ice it before and then make sure to rub afterwards. After a few weeks I was giving the shot to myself. When the process started I never thought I would have been able to do that. You've got this!
  • I have a friend with nursing experience so I had her do it.  I just laid on a bed and she popped that sucker in as I was fearful to have my husband try it for the first and only time.  If you have anyone in your life with experience with IM needles, it certainly made me feel a whole lot better about it.  Those needles are huge.  That being said, people do it all the time, so if that's not an option it shouldn't be a big deal.  Your bum will be sore regardless.

    When my SO saw the needle, he said, "but you don't put that whole thing in, right?  Just the top part?"  Oh silly, silly man....  :)

    Good luck!
  • @PopoffBaby I've been using ice for my other shots and I think it helps some... so I'll definitely be do that!

    @TheLabyrinth the trigger is being delivered today... I'm sure I'll open it immediately to look at the needle!.... but I still have a week to mentally prepare - I'm sure it's mostly mind over matter


    Me: 42 | DH: 39 | Us: Married since April 2014 | TCC 20 months before IVF

    Me: unexplained infertility (AMA?) | DH: No issues

    1st IVF cycle with ICSI & PGS | ER 1/21/16  | FET  4/26/16, ectopic

    2nd FET 09/20/16 | DS born May 2017

    3rd FET 09/14/20

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