Why worried? Your baby can dipped literally the day before delivery. If you are concerned check out spinning babies. They have some techniques to help baby flip.
My baby was undiagnosed breech, no one realised thoughout my entire pregancy until I was 7cm dilated after 7 hours of active labour. I ended up with an emergency c section. Better to know now than the way I found out. Many babies turn nearer the end or they can be turned by a doctor. If not then at least you know in advance and can prepare for your delivery accordingly.
Due in march 30 weeks now. Doc says baby is breech should I be worried.
I wouldn't worry unless you're in active labor and baby still hasn't flipped. But at this point baby still has plenty of room to move around, so that's not a concern this far away from your due date.
You've got plenty of time. And why didn't you ask your doctor, the person you're paying to give their professional medical opinion, if you should be worried?
Your baby is likely going to flip several times before you deliver. If you're really that worried about it, try some techniques from spinningbabies.com that another poster mentioned.
Someone I know was notified like you a few weeks before delivery. She went to an excellent acupuncturist who turned the baby around in time for delivery and baby came out head first. It's an option if you're interested
If you want to be proactive, Spinningbabies.com has exercises you can do to encourage baby to get into position, but you've got more than 6 weeks, which is plenty of time for baby to turn on her own. If it starts getting late, Webster technique chiropractic and acupuncture are options as well. A Planned CS is not the end of the world, I was a stubborn breech baby and was born by CS!
Hey OP! Lurking from the 2nd trimester boards: I really love the spinning babies website- check out "for pregnancy", "daily techniques". There are tons of exercises you can do to balance your abd. ligaments and encourage baby to turn head down. You'll be ok either way, plenty of healthy babies are born breech to healthy mamas. Practice relaxing and have faith in your body and doctors.
Re: breech baby
If you are concerned check out spinning babies. They have some techniques to help baby flip.
if your doctor isn't concerned, there isn't any reason for you to be.
I wouldn't worry unless you're in active labor and baby still hasn't flipped. But at this point baby still has plenty of room to move around, so that's not a concern this far away from your due date.
Your baby is likely going to flip several times before you deliver. If you're really that worried about it, try some techniques from spinningbabies.com that another poster mentioned.